Best place to download drivers for GTX570


Charter Member
Hello All,

This is a newbie - dumb - question, but here goes...I have ASUS's NVIDIA GTX570 video card, and have yet to update its drivers. They date back to 2010.

It looks like I can download drivers from ASUS, or I can go directly to NVIDIA. NVIDIA's site has this 'NVIDIA GeForce R300' driver which seems to be a catch-all for dozens of cards dating back to 2006.

And third, I received a notice to update my video card from Windows update, which is probably the least likely place of the three to download from, right? It says: nVidia - Display, Other hardware - NVIDIA Geforce GTX570. (I thought I had read that updating drivers through Windows should be a last resort.)

Which place should I download from?
Is this NVIDIA GeForce R300 driver all I need to be current and up-to-date? :icon_eek:

- Darrin
I would go to the Nvidia site for drivers since the card is based on the Nvidia GPU and such.

Second choice would be ASUS, since they manufactured the card.

Never update anything from the Windows site, unless it is Microsoft built Windows, Microsoft Security Essentials and such.
