Best Screenshot Tools / Techniques !


Charter Member
I open this tread to share your experience on best Screenshot
Tools and Techniques for FS9.

I have no problems to produce crystal clear FSX screenshots but FS9 screenshots are always a little "blury" with the same set up ie

Nividia Card 3D Settings :
Anti Aliasing at 4X
Anisotropic Filtering at 16X !

Thanks for sharing your experience on Screenshot tolls and
Get FSScreen. It's dirt simple to use - hit the PrtScn key while it's running and it pulls the image from your system clipboard (that's what that key does) and plops a full resolution bitmap in the same folder as the exe. (Best not to put it on the desktop!) After the flight, just use your favorite photo/graphics app to edit, resize, crop, convert to jpg, whatever.
I fully agree with Tom on this 1. And it works with any game not just FS like the title suggests
The great guru of screenshots, Nick Churchill, once taught me that you can adjust the perspective in FS9 to create some unique 3D-ness to your shots.

I have come to usually dial in this setting;
* Go to Spot View
* Go to View / Options
* Set Zoom for 75%
* Set Distance as needed. (Try 12 to 20 feet for closeups).

Works brilliant.

Zoom at 80, with about 36 to 40 feet on smaller aircraft seems to be good for getting great background 'and' aircraft balance in the screen. For me anyways. You guys may have bigger screens and different resolutions going on...

Resolution is another component to great screenshots.. Set it up really high for photos. Your sim will studder, but your screenshots will be brilliant. After some shots, then go back to original settings. (Try to memorize your settings so you can bounce back and fourth bettween them when needed).
