Best Sovier Bomber, Freeware or Payware?


Charter Member
Any ideas? I've been looking at the Alpha Tu-160 Blackjack. Would have liked the Alpha Backfire, but that left when it's designers left and hasn't been for sale since elsewhere.


I believe I have every Russian bomber for FS9 I can get my hands on(I collect Russian aircraft).If you are thinking about getting the AS Tu-160 you can't go wrong(in my opinion).It is well worth the price(again IMO),looks and flies great.Since the AS Tu-22M is no long on the market there is Ito's and its not bad at all.
There's a nice TU-95 out by Model by V. Zhyhulskiy - free fifty free is the cost. Nevertheless, it's an excellent model. Alphasim's TU-22 is superb, and their TU-106 is now freeware. Brett Hoskins has a Myasishchev Bison out there too, if memory serves - same price as the the Bear ... :jump:.

I hope that helps!

the TU-160 is fantastic, as is the Blinder and Bear, just don't try landing at smaller places in them...
i bought the TU-22 Blinder when it first came out.

quick review:

- beautiful model (especially if you pair it with Yago's photoreal skin)
- challenging flight model (tho no idea how accurate it is)
- cosy office; VC is ok, but looks cartoonish compared to today's photoreal VCs. Only a tiny portion of the buttons are functional however. No deep engine procedures or anything...
- zero fps impact
- pretty simple operations. Just click start and fly. There are no deep simulations of any kind
- some neat animations, such as the cockpit seat dropping down
- pretty pricey. I think i paid $32.00 USD for it when it first came out; maybe it's cheaper now?

over all, it's a fun model to look at and buzz around in. But again, it's too simple for my taste and i've removed from the harddrive.

However, if you want a soviet bomber, this TU-22 is fun...

some super old screenshots:



