best way to delete


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best way to delete a plane from msfs2020? manually in the files? or in game ? if in the files..where all do i look ?
best way to delete a plane from msfs2020? manually in the files? or in game ? if in the files..where all do i look ?

If we're talking about stock planes included in MSFS (not external add-ons) as I guess, you can safely delete them from the in-game Content Manager, same as airports, lessons or whatever. However, you'll discover that there are about 15 or 16 planes which are mandatory and can't be deleted.

Manually deleting files is in not advisable or you risk the software crashing or trying to re-download them everytime you launch it.
I all your trying to do is remove the planes you don't use from the menu another trick that will work for the default planes is to open the aircraftt.cfg in notepad and look for a line that reads isUserSelectable = 1 and change it to isUserSelectable = 0
That way it will still be in the folders and wont cause any errors but wont show in the menu.

Of course you can only do this for the ones that aren't encrypted and if Asobo update it at some point it will reappear and you'll have to edit it again.
Last time I checked, only the stock 152 and the TBM couldn't be removed via the Content Manager. But the issue you may run into is shared components that aren't in a "common" folder as you'd expect. I have the mid-grade "Deluxe" package, and all the aircraft I have in my Official folder only add up to a little over 15 GB. The only thing I've deleted were the MSFS liveries and those hideous black liveries - and those were deleted via the Content Manager. Thankfully, they've never been put back by any updates. If you don't want to see them, the best option is to just disable them from the menu as mentioned above. You can also remove them from the ramp by changing isAirTraffic = 1 to zero.
Last time I checked, only the stock 152 and the TBM couldn't be removed via the Content Manager.
Hi Tom. That changed after SU7. Now there are 16 mandatory aircraft you can't remove via Content Manager (Premium Deluxe edition. Maybe a few less in medium Deluxe). I can send you the complete list if interested.
i have a PC6 that i bought online rather than through the in game store. each time they do an update it trys to update it over and over..and now im getting a CTD as soon as i try to start a assuming its the pc6 as it says something about an addon plane causing it.

ive not tried to do anything to the porter at all.