Best WWI aircraft for FS9


Charter Member
G'day all

I've got the bug recently for WWI aircraft, and would like any recommendations for the best aircraft of that era available for FS9 (preferably freeware). I've seen some great screenshots of Pfalz's, Fokker's and the like, so thought this would be the place to ask. Anything from fighters to heavy bombers, but if possible I like a good 2D panel (not that there should be too many gauges!)

Cheers :ernae:

Az :australia:
You can never go wrong with A2A aircraft ... unfortunately, they're not freeware ... however they're worth every penny charged.
Albatross D.III/D.V, Stuart Green.
Avro 504K by Stiz.
Ansaldo SVA.5, Manuele Villa.
AIRCO DH2, Chris Herring.

Bristol Fighter F.2B Mk.1, Robert Bruce.
Bristol Scout C/D, Stephen O'Leary.
Bristol M1A, Chris Herring.
Breguet XIV-A2, Emmanuel Geffroy.

Caudron G.IV, Stuart Green.

Pfalz D.III, Stuart Green.
Pfalz Dr.1, Frank Elton.

Felixstowe Fury, Stuart Green.
Fokker Dr.I, simTECH.
Fokker D.VII, Stuart Green.
Fokker D.VIII, Frank Elton.
Fokker D.VII, A.F.Scrub

Handley Page 0-400, simTECH.

Nieuport type 11, refman.

SE.5A, Stuart Green.

Sopwith Cuckoo, Stuart Green.
Sopwith Dolphin, Ted Cook.
Sopwth Snipe, Stuart Green.
Sopwith Triplane, Frank Elton.
Sopwith Pup, Stephen O'Leary.
Sopwith Bee, Aeroplane Heaven.
Sopwith Camel, David Eckert.
Sopwith Tabloid, Craig Richardson.
Sopwith Schneider, Craig Richardson.

SPAD VII., Stuart Green.

All the above are 'Freeware'.
Some are a little dated but a still good, and some are just plain brilliant.
Many superb repaints out there as well.
Aeroplane Heaven have an AIRCO DH2-Fokker E.III/IV duo, while Alpasim do a good SE.5A, but WW.I aircraft seem of very little interest to the Commercial Developers.
There's also Dave Eckert's Fokker E.III for free. Master Ted Cook has a wonderful Sopwith Dolphin at his website.

Payware aircraft are Randy's Floh and his recently released Fokker E.V/D.VIII, a work of art indeed. Donationware are Chris Herring's DH-4 and 9s.

Wait a minute ...

When I read this and replied earlier I could have sworn the title read WW2 aircraft.

I'm sorry. I just now noticed it says WW1 aircraft.

I'll have to look for the web addy (a european FS site) where I got a few free WW1 keepers, but I picked up recently

Nieuport 19
Fokker triplane
Spad (i forget the model number)

But the Nieuport is awesome.
Add another vote for Stuart Green's Fokker D.VII

And there's a ton of paints here for it by Huub and Cazzie. You could start your own flying circus.
I concur fully with you 'Willy' when it comes to the Fokker D.V11 by Stu Green...has to be the meanest, most business-like
of the WW-1 kites and along with that must go the most aesthetically pleasing Pfalz D.111 by Stu Green as well. In the field of the of show must go to Robert Bruce's Bristol (Brisfit) F2B Fighter.

Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky!
eh, can't correct previous message:

It's a Neiuport 17 by A.F.Scrub available here:
file name,

SimTech Spad XIII, Right here in the outhouse:

Still looking for me triplane source. This isnt what I have but Simtechs DR1 is here:
for fs2k, and here for fs9:
Would it be Frank Elton's version?

scroll down the listing here --->



Yep, Frank's triplane is not as complex as the SimTech, but it flies like a charm and it is easy to work with. I did an Ernst Kessler repaint (from "Waldo Pepper") for Frank's Dr.I, it's here at SOH:

Cool. Thanks for listing so much freeware.

I've been thinking about this for a bit. I can't think of one freeware plane i've downloaded that didn't fly about perfectly straight... What about the torque generated by the big engines? What about the prop-wash? The Sopwith Camel is famous for the torque that made it unstable. So i was wondering if any one has come across a freeware plane that wont just fly itself? It'd be more fun for me i think.

Has anyone played the WWII sim Il2 Sturmovik? I love the feel of how a lot of the planes in it fly. They don't just fly straight it you take your hand off the joystick They don't just take off themselves flying straight down the runway. To me, the actual flying in that sim feels more realistic than FS2004.

WWI planes must have been a brute to fly. Am i wrong? So wouldn't it be more 'realistic', or atleast more fun, if they were a little 'harder' to fly? I've kinda wondered why i've never seen anyone talk about this on the forums.
Cool. Thanks for listing so much freeware.

I've been thinking about this for a bit. I can't think of one freeware plane i've downloaded that didn't fly about perfectly straight... What about the torque generated by the big engines? What about the prop-wash? The Sopwith Camel is famous for the torque that made it unstable. So i was wondering if any one has come across a freeware plane that wont just fly itself? It'd be more fun for me i think.
WWI planes must have been a brute to fly. Am i wrong? So wouldn't it be more 'realistic', or atleast more fun, if they were a little 'harder' to fly? I've kinda wondered why i've never seen anyone talk about this on the forums.

You can set this up to your own satisfaction in the fs9.cfg file,
under the section

Torque=0.000000    [COLOR=red]// <---- Change this value,bigger=more torque effect[/COLOR]

And moving on.....

Hard to tell: your link to fswarbirds links back to SOH, and SOH shows a pic of a jap zero, and a '404 file not found error'.

er, ummm, think thats due to the time the database here at OH got scrambled, sorry :redface:
anyhow found these screenies on NZFF

