Beta Test from


Members +
1938 Alcor Junior Transport
Twin engine 8 passenger
220 mph from Alcor (spinoff of Lockheed)
Here some pictures




I got GREAT feedback and beta testing from you guys last time so I thought I would do it again.
Stop by and download your version FS9/FSX are ready

Looks good in FSX

If you dont mind

In 2 D panel the GPS and the Engine panel show up immediately-->shouldnt-->you may want to put visible = 0
The engine and the radio panel is out of propotion(too high not wide enough)
On the Bonanza the Bonanza Letters are too low and interfer with the windows

Other then this-->striking

And thanks for looking into the less known aircraft world

Have fun


Starliner&Constellation Team
Hello Chaps

Test in FS9

The engine panel needs to be larger (wider), the gauges look very tall and narrow.
The switch for the right hand tanks do not work (as a matter of fact it moves the LEFT hand switch).
In the electrical panel, the Amp meters do not have needle or it is not showing, also I was unable to find the alternators / generators switches.
The radio panel, as Thunder100 says.
In the VC, the lever for the right engine flaps does not work at all and the left one is very reluctant.
The 2D panel needs some reshuffling of the instruments, I believe (artificial horizon should be top center in the "six pack", unless that is, you have some different information).
No simicons as yet.

In the air it behaves beautifully, the stalls are surprising as it simply falls flat (probably due to the lack of nose)
She is easy to fly, take off and land, in general I find her smooth and very accurate manoeuvering.

All in all an excellent addition, this one is definitely a keeper.
Keep up the good work, it IS a stunner. :icon29::icon29::icon29:


Jose Angel

P.S. I absolutely LOVED the steering on the ground, wish all tail draggers were like that!! :applause::applause:
I take a few days off in the Bahamas and come back to this? Now this is why I love being home! :ernae:
I just got done with the first flight with version 1.0 (got home last night, downloaded it, just got around to flying just now). Definitely a keeper. I love how the side profile looks normal, almost like a Lockheed Electra 12 with a single fin, but when you get closer to the nose...well it looks like something Batman would fly around in.
Going to download version 2.0 and roll with it, the odd looking Electra with the stingray type nose and the P-40 landing gear. Love it. Absolutely love it. :applause:
Now I'm thinking, with this plane and OBIO getting the Grumman XF5F-1 back in the limelight (another odd looking twin) all we need now is a Bristol Beaufighter to complete the trifecta of short-nosed twins :)
Just took version 2.0 around the patch. Only thing I could quibble about is that the right and left tachometers were reversed. One quick reshuffling in the panel.cfg and we were good to go. I also lightened the VC glass as a matter of personal preference.
Vcockpit02 was originally this in the panel.cfg:

gauge00=alcor!altimeter, 183,3,175,175
gauge01=alcor!turn_and_bank, 367,3,175,175
gauge02=alcor!Flap_Ind_D18, 661,890,125,125
gauge03=alcor!Elevator_Trim_D18, 792,890,125,125
gauge04=alcor!Rudder_Trim_D18, 278,757,125,125
gauge05=alcor!clock, 531,890,125,125
gauge06=alcor!ASI260_D18, 3,3,175,175
gauge07=alcor!VSI_Goat, 183,183,175,175
gauge08=alcor!cyl_temp_left, 7,365,125,125
gauge09=alcor!fuel_pressure_left, 7,495,125,125
gauge10=alcor!manifold_left, 7,625,125,125
gauge11=alcor!oil_pressure_left, 7,757,125,125
gauge12=alcor!oil_temp_left, 7,890,125,125
gauge13=alcor!cyl_temp_right, 150,365,125,125
gauge14=alcor!fuel_pressure_right, 150, 495 ,125,125
gauge15=alcor!manifold_right, 150,625,125,125
gauge16=alcor!oil_pressure, 150,757,125,125
gauge17=alcor!oil_temp, 150,890,125,125
gauge18=alcor!Mag_D18, 550,183,175,175
gauge19=alcor!Gyro, 3,183,175,175
gauge20=alcor!magnetic_compass, 734,183,175,175
gauge21=alcor!fuel_gauge, 532,757,125,125
gauge22=alcor!left_rpm, 734,3,175,175
gauge23=alcor!right_rpm, 550,3,175,175

gauge24=alcor!voltmeter, 278,890,125,125
gauge25=alcor!oat, 656,757,125,125
gauge26=alcor!hydraulic_pressure, 786,757,125,125
gauge27=alcor!radio_compass, 735,367,175,175
gauge28=alcor!gear_lights, 304,374,125,93
gauge29=alcor!sperry_autopilot_ahi, 284,487,209,242
gauge30=alcor!sperry_autopilot_compass, 506,487,209,242
gauge31=alcor!fuel_gauge_selector, 442,368,100,100
gauge32=alcor!ammeter_left, 399,757,135,135
gauge33=alcor!ammeter_right, 401,890,135,135
gauge34=alcor!ahi, 367,183,175,175

I changed it to this:

gauge00=alcor!altimeter, 183,3,175,175
gauge01=alcor!turn_and_bank, 367,3,175,175
gauge02=alcor!Flap_Ind_D18, 661,890,125,125
gauge03=alcor!Elevator_Trim_D18, 792,890,125,125
gauge04=alcor!Rudder_Trim_D18, 278,757,125,125
gauge05=alcor!clock, 531,890,125,125
gauge06=alcor!ASI260_D18, 3,3,175,175
gauge07=alcor!VSI_Goat, 183,183,175,175
gauge08=alcor!cyl_temp_left, 7,365,125,125
gauge09=alcor!fuel_pressure_left, 7,495,125,125
gauge10=alcor!manifold_left, 7,625,125,125
gauge11=alcor!oil_pressure_left, 7,757,125,125
gauge12=alcor!oil_temp_left, 7,890,125,125
gauge13=alcor!cyl_temp_right, 150,365,125,125
gauge14=alcor!fuel_pressure_right, 150, 495 ,125,125
gauge15=alcor!manifold_right, 150,625,125,125
gauge16=alcor!oil_pressure, 150,757,125,125
gauge17=alcor!oil_temp, 150,890,125,125
gauge18=alcor!Mag_D18, 550,183,175,175
gauge19=alcor!Gyro, 3,183,175,175
gauge20=alcor!magnetic_compass, 734,183,175,175
gauge21=alcor!fuel_gauge, 532,757,125,125
gauge22=alcor!left_rpm, 734,3,175,175
gauge23=alcor!right_rpm, 550,3,175,175
gauge24=alcor!voltmeter, 278,890,125,125
gauge25=alcor!oat, 656,757,125,125
gauge26=alcor!hydraulic_pressure, 786,757,125,125
gauge27=alcor!radio_compass, 735,367,175,175
gauge28=alcor!gear_lights, 304,374,125,93
gauge29=alcor!sperry_autopilot_ahi, 284,487,209,242
gauge30=alcor!sperry_autopilot_compass, 506,487,209,242
gauge31=alcor!fuel_gauge_selector, 442,368,100,100
gauge32=alcor!ammeter_left, 399,757,135,135
gauge33=alcor!ammeter_right, 401,890,135,135
gauge34=alcor!ahi, 367,183,175,175

Make no mistake she's still a keeper. A LOT more panache than a Cessna 402 that's for sure.
More Menasco Madness

Hey Killworks,
Just wondering if you have one of these in the works?
(Alcor Olympic Duo-6: think twin engined Vega with flaps and you pretty much get the picture)
from the April, 1935 Aero Digest:
• President and Chief Engineer: Allan H. Lockheed. Vice-president, General Manager and Sales Manager: Homer T. Seale. Export representatives: Sverre Krabbe, Oslo, Norway. Companhia Commercial de Representacoes, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. Tugan, Ltd., Sydney, Australia.
Five- or eight-place high-wing monoplane.
Two horizontally disposed Menasco engines, 210 horsepower each.
Span 42 feet. Length overall 28 feet 5 inches. Height overall 9 feet 6 inches. Wing area 282 square feet.
Power loading 12.1 pounds per horsepower. Wing loading 18.2 pounds per square foot.
Empty weight 2885 pounds. Useful load 2205 pounds. Payload 1300 pounds. Gross weight 5090 pounds.
Fuel capacity 110 gallons. Oil capacity 10 gallons.
Maximum speed 190 miles per hour. Cruising speed 160 miles per hour. Landing speed 57 miles per hour. Service ceiling 18,500 feet. Rate of climb 1400 feet per minute. Cruising range 660 miles.
Fuselage: segment-unit, chrome molybdenum frame and laminated wood skin. Wing: cantilever type; modified M-6 wing section; wood structure, box spars and laminated wood skin; ailerons are inset; flaps of laminated wood. Tail group: cantilever type; laminated wood frame, adjustable stabilizer. Fixed divided-type landing gear; two vertical struts extending to front main beam- of wing; equipped with 9.50 X 12 Goodyear airwheels, internal expanding hydraulic brakes, hydraulic shock absorbers, streamlined pants.
Standard equipment includes Exide battery, Lycoming-Smith controllable-pitch propeller, non-shatterable glass throughout, heater for cabin. Baggage capacity 40 cubic feet.
Instruments: manifold pressure gauge, oil pressure gauges, oil temperature gauges, tachometers, altimeter, air speed indicator, hank and turn indicator, compass, rate of climb indicator, clock. Also see data in June, 1934, AERO DIGEST.
Hi, many thanks Rarewings team for creating this wonderful looking aircraft, tested it on FS9, got V2, the elevator trim animation is opposite on what it should be, Down for pitch up / Up for pitch down,. The steering is great, free castoring tail wheel lets me put 180 steer angle for differential braking. :wiggle: engine levers animation are mixed up, something to look in to. fantastic looking external model.

If you have a better 3-view of that Aircraft I would love to try and build that one. I saw something on it when I was doing the fact checking for the Alcor c.6.1

For more twin Menasco Madness.. here is one I would really love to make, but just can't find enough pictures on it.


HM-4 Aerovel aka Moonship (Aerovel Corp) 1939 = 4pClwM rg; two 125hp Menasco C-4 pushers; span: 38'0" length: 26'0" v: 170/150/x. Planned as a feeder airliner and crew trainer. Vidal resin-coated plywood over steel-tube fuselage; tricycle gear. POP: 1 [NX370H]. Failed to attract buyers and was eventually donated to a trades school.
I may have found a small problem. As I was flying around today, on autopilot(FS9) I switched off the fuel using the fuel switch on the center console in VC view. Naturally the engines died from lack of fuel but I could not switch the tanks back on using that switch. This was in version 2.0 that I downloaded and installed this morning.
If you have a better 3-view of that Aircraft I would love to try and build that one. I saw something on it when I was doing the fact checking for the Alcor c.6.1.
That was the only 3-view I could find but I'll see what I can do about enlarging and touching it up:running:. As for the Unitwin powered that would be cool. Problem is I cannot find anything resembling a schematic for that one. I found the following snippet in my quest for 3-views; thought it looked good. Looking at it I can't help but notice the resemblance to a Dornier Do-28
Hey Middle.... the fuel switch is controlled by Left and right mouse clicks.

I have a version 3.0 coming out this weekend. Brian Horsey has worked and re-worked the flight dynamics. fixed a couple other bugs. i will let you guys know when it is ready.
Do the no smoking and seatbelt switchs work? Not on my system. Added a second fuel selector in the CFG and now both fuel selectors work. A great fun airplane to fly - I love it!!! Thanks!

Ed :ernae: