Sounds creation for doppler realism
Just before we go dashing off to dedicated 'sound threads' , let's try and solve downwind's initial question - re acheiving a convincing doppler effect in 'Tower View' mode:
As downwind has already correctly remarked, the doppler effect is only of any relevance to sounds being heard in Tower View where the distance, velocity and attitude of the aircraft relative to the viewer is in constant change.
Four factors influence the effectiveness of realistic doppler sounds in FS9:
1) Sound recording (wav.) file.
2) Soundset cfg.file entry of exterior wav.(s) being played
3) Velocity of Aircraft
4) Aicraft's heading relative to viewer
Sound Recording (wav.)
The reason FS9 stock aircraft fail to sound realistic in Tower View is mainly due to the fact that most, if not all of the sound recordings used in default sounds were originally recorded from STATIC aircraft on the ground. This results in sounds completely different from the same aircraft when heard in the air.
Sound cfg.file
The element which determines the speed a sound wav. file will play at any given throttle setting is the rparam entry (see example 1). This consists of 2 paired sets of numbers. The First pair govern the lowest speed at which the sounds will be played. the second pair determine the maximum speed at which you will hear the specific sound.
Example 1.
Thus: 0.350000, (35% throttle) will play at a speed of 0.600000, (60% of normal wav. speed)
0.990000, (99% throttle) will play at a speed of 0.980000 (98% of normal wav speed)
The above example displays almost 40% difference in play speeds between lowest and highest settings and will also enhance the contrast in sounds between a departing or approaching aircraft.
Aircraft Velocity in sim
The built-in velocity enhancement of FS9 will further exaggerate your rparams entry, the faster the aircraft is flying. The balance is found only through trial and error testing and re-editing your rparams until you are satisfied with the results.