Better rain storm package


Retired SOH Admin
I had a totally stock install, just sitting on my C drive...doing nothing. Well, I have put that install to use as a test bed for various freeware enhancements. One that I have installed and really like the degree of improvement over stock is a total thunderstorm package by Michael Woolsey. I found it on It is called (and there is a fix in the same yellow box area) Totally reworked lightning and effects and totally tweaked rain. The rain alone is worth downloading and installing....when you run the installer, you are given the option to install the lightning textures, lightning effects and rain effects separately. The raindrops are smaller on the windshield and the external views of the rain are simply amazing. Sorry I don't have any screenshots to share...but this package is welll worth getting.

this could make the rain in spain fall mainly on my plane...:mixedsmi:
guess the rain could be activated by a real wx weather forecast, ya think?
SimV's search function does not work with zip names...only author or simple word searches.

These rain effects replace the stock rain can activate them with one of the weather themes or with one of the weather modeling/reporting programs like FSMetars or Real WX.

It's also on Just do a search for Michael Woolsey or Massive Thunderstorm.

Can it be used in CFS2, without reformatting? ckissling

I don't think so. I did up a replacement rain drop for CFS2...made it much smaller and more translucent. It should be in the download library under my name.

Great spot Obio, ta!

For a freebie, really is very good in Fs9.

And no, there is nothing in th pack that can be used in CFS2 only the precipitation sound which is much better just replace the sound in the SOUND/PRECIP folder in CFS2.
The lightning is hard coded into the sim, so doesn't use any effects files.

Cheers Shessi