Betty Skeltons "Little Stinker" - Picture request


The Beautiful Betty Skeleton,is a remarkable women.....a life story worth acquainting ones self with!.....She did it all!,,,Aviation,autos,Bikes,Stunts, testing,and qualifying to be an astronaught.....She flew the" Lil Stinker",with her Dog,and never wore shoes...when Mr. Piper asked her to test his then, new Super Cub for altude...she did,no shoes,50deg below!!.I think at 29,000ft then she broke one more record!!..with Cold Feet!!.....Her exploits are many..WHAT A WOMEN,most guys I know are WIMPS compared to her!!.......I think me too.....She Is Something else!!.A real "CRACKER"..............CHEERS!!
Having finished researching extensively I found the same picture earlier on. I haven't found anything that is any clearer than on that photo. Still not happy with the clarity, I redrew it all. It looks good...and very legible.

Thank for your interest.

The repaint is a done deal ;)
Seems there were two paint schemes, white on red and red on white. I'll keep looking for a side shot. Which paint scheme are you going with?

For some reason the pictures at the Flicker site I can't get a bigger shot as there are no options.
..Disregard. I figured it out.

....Appreciate the assistance WH. I'm doing the original red/white.
The one in the video is a Lakes biplane, not a Pitts.

The one taken of Betty in the air is the one.
Red/White it is :salute:
Y'all got one thing right, she's special. There's not a man nor woman that holds as many aviation and automobile records, heck she even tried jump boats! I met Betty Skeleton Franklin (now Erde after her first husband died in 2001) in 1981 at a NASCAR race in Darlington. She and Bill France Sr. were very close friends. Bill France even had her drive the Pace car at the old beach races. He also loaned her a Dodge to set the first woman's stock car speed record and launch her on a new passion. She was the first woman on land to clock over 300 mph at Bonneville. She also worked for the Dodge Division of Chrysler Motors in the late 1950s. At the time I met her, she lived in Raleigh, NC and I invited her to the opening of the Auto Sports Gallery there in 1982. She showed up and her and her husband purchased one of my art photos and one of my good friend Garry Hill's (now a major NASCAR artist) paintings.

She is/was a vibrant woman, full of pep and energy, I doubt I could stay with her during a 24-hr day. Some people have it, some don't have it at all, Betty's got it in droves.

A great repaint choice OleBoy.

Yes a real lady,like you say many acheivments...too many to list here, far as boat jumping over a car on a barge???..She drove the jump boat “L’IL Miss Dodge,” in a movie stunt above a 1955 Custom Royal Lancer ... .yep!!..Done that, she's been then were not lightweight Fiberglas,but traditional wood....she indicated that the landing was hard..on her,..however she did the stunt...This girl then should have been one of the early astronaughts..more than quilifed!!....At 5ft tall,less than 100lbs,she would really fit in that Spam Can easily!!

Color stuff!!

"Miami, Florida, flying her Great Lakes, and it was there that she noticed a striking new biplane, the Pitts Special. The bright" red Pitts S-1C," designed by Curtis Pitts"...." She repainted the aircraft in a "red and white paint "scheme and received a smaller registration number for the aircraft, N22E. For fun, she tacked a small engine feather button from a B-17 to the instrument panel that read "Spin Crash Burn"
That looks very nicely done Oleboy. Remarkable stories too on Miss Betty Skelton. Don't ever remember hearing of her before this thread. Very nice of you to point her out for recognition.

Is that repaint for the freeware Federico L. Morcillo Azofra and Laura M. Celis Santiago, Pitts? I hope so.
That looks very nicely done Oleboy. Remarkable stories too on Miss Betty Skelton. Don't ever remember hearing of her before this thread. Very nice of you to point her out for recognition.

Is that repaint for the freeware Federico L. Morcillo Azofra and Laura M. Celis Santiago, Pitts? I hope so.

The paint is for the Addictive Simulations S1S that was recently released. There are threads in both the FS9 and FSX forums. The FSX forum being the most active

The work of Federico L. Morcillo Azofra and Laura M. Celis Santiago, I tried to get the paint templates for them. He declined. IMO, his loss. The recognition of others doing paints would have done his future and him well if he had let people paint the models
Sad to hear they would not allow repaints on their plane. Anyway it is good of you to do a bit of interactive history on Miss Betty Skelton. Neato to you Oleboy!
Need to know

I've come a long ways since the last screenshots. Little Stinker is looking very good. I just finished stroking, ......................the registration numbers and got them in place, when I started wondering about the bottom wing. The restored one at the National Air and Space Museum shows a red/white checker pattern on the bottom of the bottom wing and tail. I'm curious if that was on the original. If I had to guess I would think it would have been white. Registration numbers at most.

Can anyone confirm who saw the original back in those days?

Something else I noticed different when comparing original to restored are the tail feathers. The number of slices in the starburst. The original shows the bottom most slice being red and sitting slightly lower than the elevator plane. The restored one shows one more slice below the that plane.
.....So, I am going as original.

The repaint is currently on hold due to my first question *shrug*
That looks very nicely done Oleboy. Remarkable stories too on Miss Betty Skelton. Don't ever remember hearing of her before this thread. Very nice of you to point her out for recognition.

I think sometimes we males forget the contributions made to aviation by the ladies,
take Florence 'Pancho' Barnes for example...

or Amy Johnson

Shame the paints aren't for the freeware model tho' as the Addictive sim one is for FSX only?


Shame the paints aren't for the freeware model tho' as the Addictive sim one is for FSX only?




Pete, the model mentioned is for both FS9 and FSX. And simply put, if I'm devoting this much time doing repaints for it, I'm impressed. Nuff said.
.....The model can be read about in the FSX forum
The support forum is over at AVSIM. There's a pretty good review wrote up there too.

Also, all the repaints are easily converted for use in FS9 by loading them up in DXTBMP, flipping them, and resaving. I can help you out if needed.
Pete, the model mentioned is for both FS9 and FSX. And simply put, if I'm devoting this much time doing repaints for it, I'm impressed. Nuff said.

Ah, righto then,just got the impression model was for 'X' only from their web-site.

