Bf 110?

Would something like this do it?

At Reg's Hangar. Maybe Matt could look at this for one of his projects, some new clothes for these little beauties would be rather nice.

I can make this available via PM ...or repaint any particular livery anyone wants...





Che Gaucho! estas pieles me encantan! sirven para cfs2? y referentemente al Me410 me gusta tambien!
Si queres cuando tengas tiempo y andes por tu correo enviá no más que serán bienvenidas.
Un abrazo!
[QUOTEMaybe Matt could look at this for one of his projects, some new clothes for these little beauties would be rather nice][/QUOTE]

There's Mortons CFS2 skins that work perfect in FS9

cheers ian
There are 2 versions of the Ground Crew Bf110, the "E" and the "G4". One is a beta version and I believe the other is a complete model. I found these two, that had been re-worked for FSX by another artist, that surprisingly work fine in FS9, with 2 panel options and a rather nice VC for both. They were done by Enrique Medal, and it uses the same visual model for both the G4 and the E variants. And as stated, Morton's paints work beautifully on the model.


Me Bf-110E Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
Zip file preview
8.43Mb (7613 downloads)
Me Bf-110E updated for FSX - Original mode by GroundDesignCrew. The changes now in 2010 are only: Glass textures & Gauges in 2d panel and VC., updated for use in FSX; changes in aircraft.cfg (flaps).
Posted Nov 2, 2010 08:28 by Enrique Medal.



Me Bf-110G4 Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
Zip file preview
10.03Mb (3466 downloads)
Me Bf-110G4 Package updated for FSX. Model by -GroundDesignCrew . The changes now in 2010 are only: Glass textures & Gauges in 2d panel and VC., updated for use in FSX; Changes in aircraft.cfg (flaps).
Posted Nov 2, 2010 08:28 by Enrique Medal

I still regularly fly the Me110 and I'd love to have this repaint, would be so kind to PM it to me?

Thank you so much!

Sascha -- It's included in the Ground Crew Bf-110E pack for FS9, or the one I posted above for the FSX version, which also shows up and works beautifully in FS9.


Mathias off Classic Hangar (FW190/TA-152/Bf-108) was groundcrew member

So there is on backburner a FSX BF-110

Just for taste


1 Engine gone 1 engine hit her ya go-Probably met a Spit