Bf110E-1 NJG1


Charter Member
"The pregnant belly under the plane is a fueltank cover, a socalled Dackelbauch (dachshund belly) holding several tanks with a total of 1050 Liters of fuel and 106 liters of oil in addition to the default load of 1870 liters fuel in the inner wings.It's not jettisonable."

Why is it that the additionnal fuel does not register in fuel % ?
This plane has a bigger flying radius?
Without looking at it, I presume it carries more fuel, and thus greater range, but 100% is 100% of its own capacity, not referenced in comparison to another aircraft.

If it was modeled correctly, the additional fuel should register when you hit the F5 key (the command that shows bullets/cannon rounds fuel and throttle %). This really should be something in the xdp and the Dackelbauch, needs to be in the weapons folder as a external fuel source. Well at least that is what I thought......:banghead: