BFU Sceneries


Charter Member
Hi. Bush Flying Unlimited is pretty much defunct and its site is down. I'm setting up an SW sim and along with flying my DC-3 between CalClassic airports I'll be doing a lot of bush flying. I think BFU would fit right in. I got some at avsim but iirc there were a couple in the fjords area of Alaska (moudi comes to mind), a couple in British Columbia and a main one in Renton WA that are missing. Plus there might be one or two I've totally forgotten. The ones I have are Kodiak, Brooks, Manitoba, Red Deer, Quebec, Caribbean, Mildura.

If anybody can link to where I can get the others or can send them to me I'd greatly appreciate it.

Not BFU, but Micheal Carr's Hanks Place (near Juneau) is an oldie but goodie for up there. has a lot of Alaska Bush scenery, including many of the BFU hubs and many in the Tongass Fjords area. Just do a Search for 'Alaska Bush' under FS 9 Scenery.

Bear in mind that a lot of the BFU stuff will also be in the FS 2002 category. Some of them won't show up in the Add On Scenery Directory, but will show up in the Sim. This is the case with Larcom Island and Mystery Island, which are up the Behm Canal to the South of the Canal where Stewart is located.

I have all of the BFU stuff in my FS 2002 install, and transferred many of them to FS 9. I remember the flight routes to these outposts in FS 2002, and they're easy to find in FS 9 as long as you remember where they are as the crow flies.

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Thanks for the 2002 idea. I had totally forgotten about those sceneries. A lot of that stuff was made a long time ago. I found two more bfu fields along with more by Naji and Michael Carr. I might be able to find the coordinates and make afcads. Great stuff.
Thanks for the 2002 idea. I had totally forgotten about those sceneries. A lot of that stuff was made a long time ago. I found two more bfu fields along with more by Naji and Michael Carr. I might be able to find the coordinates and make afcads. Great stuff.

Yeah, there's a ton of them out there for FS 2002. If you look at most of the Alaska scenery that's available for FS 9 it usually was made for the Tongass Fjords or UT Alaska/ Canada add ons (Roger Wensley, et. al.) Tom Fica, Frank Betts and John Loney were pretty prolific with both FS 2002 and FS 9. Don't forget Don Moser, too!

Some of those were Fox Camp, Fox Outposts 1 and 2, Mountain Ridge, Deer Island, Shore Point, Grey Otter Landing, Peninsula Point, and Scott's Helo Air. The aforementioned Hank's Trading Post is a classic, and there was also one that had Christmas lights at night during the Holiday Season!

If you do end up making AFCADS for the older scenery, I'd love to have them! Larcom Island was my home base in FS 2002, and I'd love for it to show up on the GPS again!

Best Scenery? Lake Ketchikan Cabins 1 and 2, by Paul Kane.

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Man, this this thread brings back memories, LOL Scenery was so much easier to make back then. In addition to my old work, I think I have all the other BFU sceneries on a backup somewhere, will see if I can find it.
Another not mentioned here was my Alaska trophy Tours scenery, I got lots of use out of it when I flew for BFU.
The main reason I loaded up FS 2002 Alaska scenery in FS 9 was just to give some semblance of civilization in the Backcountry. The scenery doesn't have to be FlyTampa quality; just a generic layout of a backcountry home with a dirt strip and a dock (if it's near water). If anything, it helps with the immersion factor.

I think there will always be a need for these 'plain brown wrapper' scenery packs!

LOL I just thought of two more for Rich... Holkham Bay (fictional home of the MP boys), and Ed Geneer's AK 180 Stations.

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YOU made the Alaska Trophy Tours?????? Of course, MCDesigns. I tried the link in the docs and didn't find anything.

I just installed it yesterday and got only the base and secondary to show up in the addon scenery, made afcads for them. How do I find the rest? The docs say something about NDBs but nothing's there. Do you still have coordinates and heights?

Somebody made a great program called McCarthy cabins. About 60 of them in the main part of Alaska. I made afcads for them. Great fun. And there's another with 14 in the middle of BC. I just love cabins to visit. And Leon Louis with his candies. I'll be checking out some of those other 2002 sceneries too.

I'll be looking at those sceneries tomorrow I believe. Wednesday at the latest. If I can make afcads, they will be available.

This is very cool.
There should be a map along with the readme to the other camps. That was 3 sims and 4 computers back, will have to do some digging, will post if I find them.
I think somewhere I've got maps for some of the BFU camps in and around the Inside Passage; I'll look and see.

All this talk might cause me to fire up FS 2002 and take a nostalgic trip back through these!

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Michael, so far as I can tell, there is nothing in the scenery package that shows the location of the other camps other than a reference to NDBs that don't show up on Plan-G so hopefully you'll still have some info available.

Viper, looks like I'll be able to make afcads for those sceneries. Shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I tested one and it showed up on the addon list. I downloaded a whole bunch including Larcom Island. And btw, there's a fs9 update to the xmas scenery called Snowed Inn Bed and Breakfast. If you get it don't forget the update to it that has a flatten script or you'll be very disappointed (speaking from experience lol).
Michael, so far as I can tell, there is nothing in the scenery package that shows the location of the other camps other than a reference to NDBs that don't show up on Plan-G so hopefully you'll still have some info available.

Viper, looks like I'll be able to make afcads for those sceneries. Shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I tested one and it showed up on the addon list. I downloaded a whole bunch including Larcom Island. And btw, there's a fs9 update to the xmas scenery called Snowed Inn Bed and Breakfast. If you get it don't forget the update to it that has a flatten script or you'll be very disappointed (speaking from experience lol).


Thanks for the heads up about Snowed Inn! In the Description it calls out the 'old' scenery...

Tinsel Tom's! That's the name I couldn't remember!

Thanks a ton for creating the AFCADS; these Sceneries will really help make FS 9 and SE Alaska really come alive again! There will be some folks at Alaskan Winds that will be interested, too!

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Red Lake (BFU) Ontario, Canada

Red Lake at CYRL is a very detailed BFU scenery. Also do you have the AIBFU aircraft and AI AFCADS? I have both ZIPs downloaded from the BFU website some years ago. LOTS of fun that! Take care.

Ed, I don't have either of those AI programs. Can you please send them to me at the same email addy as the beta test? If you no longer have it, let me know and I will resend. Thank you.
BFU AI zips

Well, I was not quite accurate, there are in fact EIGHT BFU AI Zips -

BFUAI_Effects.Zip, BFUAI_ReadMeFiles.Zip, BFUAI_ScreenShots.Zip, BFUAI_Traffic.Zip,BFUAI_VoicePack.Zip, BFUAI_Afcads.Zip, BFUAI_Aircraft.Zip and BFUAI_DefaultAircraft.Zip.Also have many, many BFU Scenery ZIPs. PM any requests. BE SPECFIC as to name of scenery. Thanks.

Take care.Ed Moore
Ok I made some afcads for fs2002 bush sceneries. Most are in Alaska. Not a lot because most aren't compatible with fs9. Anybody who wants them just send me a pm with your email and they will be on their way.
