Dev. team,
Since your Distributor pushed your release from 2008 into 2009, are they going to roll the Copyright date on the printed DVDs to accurately reflect the 2009 release? If they do, BHAH will retain its "freshness" in the marketplace throughout the year as it competes with other software releases (e.g. ROF) for the attention of reviewers and potential customers. I'm worried that if BHAH hits the streets with the older original 2008 copyright date, it will be unnfairly saddled with an extra year of virtual obsolescence built into it from the git go. This may be more of an issue two or three years down the road, as I think people comparing software (both reviewers and consumers) tend to subliminally rank the quality of similar titles based on their age (i.e. newer = better), and I'd hate for BHAH to suffer unnecessarily in any future comparison because of a single digit. You've probably already got this covered, and may not even consider it worth bothering with, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case.
Since your Distributor pushed your release from 2008 into 2009, are they going to roll the Copyright date on the printed DVDs to accurately reflect the 2009 release? If they do, BHAH will retain its "freshness" in the marketplace throughout the year as it competes with other software releases (e.g. ROF) for the attention of reviewers and potential customers. I'm worried that if BHAH hits the streets with the older original 2008 copyright date, it will be unnfairly saddled with an extra year of virtual obsolescence built into it from the git go. This may be more of an issue two or three years down the road, as I think people comparing software (both reviewers and consumers) tend to subliminally rank the quality of similar titles based on their age (i.e. newer = better), and I'd hate for BHAH to suffer unnecessarily in any future comparison because of a single digit. You've probably already got this covered, and may not even consider it worth bothering with, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case.