BHAH Multiplay?



Just wondering if it's the same as P2 (as described in the Sticky above). Can you fly Campaign with it or just single missions?
Hi GaryR,

at this stage the MP function is still the same, you have

dog fight free for all

dog fight teams,

Missions where online pilots fly both sides of the mission against each other.

Missions co-op were the online pilots fly for one side and the AI pilots fly for the other. this is the preferred option for most of the organised online groups who fly CFS3/ETO/PTO/OFF. as it seems to do away with lag induced problems and offers a wide range of mission types as supplied by the various people within the groups.

It would be very simply to build a set of missions that followed a chronological time line and took into account aircraft improvements squadron airfiled changes etc etc and then fly them in sequance to achieve the feel of a progressive campaign.

but for the moment there is no online proper campaign as assigned by the OFF manager.

regards Rob.
You could run through a single player campaign and save the missions out of missions\historical each time I would think with some editing for player numbers and you have a progression.