big data files to send


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Hallo friends,
I want to send to a friend 2D panels for a project we are working on.
Of course they are too tall (especially with all the gauges included) to be send by "normal" email.
Do some one know a procedure which is free and easy?
I certainly will need to send them several times as they are a "WIP".

Michael "Papi" Vader

Perhaps one of the File Sharing sites like Dropbox or Google Drive would work for your needs?

Dropbox gives you 2Gb of storage for free, and you can set it up so your Partner can access the Files easily.
No registration needed
Your files are NEVER deleted ... if they are of the size of 100 MB or less
If you have a file bigger than 100 MB .. and you want to keep ... split it (winzip or Winrar) for send
I have file there sleeping from more than 2 years :adoration:
Hope it's help !
Hallo friends,
I want to send to a friend 2D panels for a project we are working on.
Of course they are too tall (especially with all the gauges included) to be send by "normal" email.
Do some one know a procedure which is free and easy?
I certainly will need to send them several times as they are a "WIP".

Michael "Papi" Vader

Hi Michael,
Try this :
