Big E 44


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Since there is so much scenery used in this campaign,my son has decided to break it into 2 campaigns so as not to overload CFS2 with to much scenery and everything you need for it to work.

The first part will be called The Big E 44.This part will cover the attacks on the Marshall and Gilbert Islands starting November 1943 and and the attack on Truk in Feb 1944 and will end with another attack on Jaluit in March.This might be done over the weekend.

The second part will start with the attack on Palau in March 1944 and include the Marianas,Philippines and maybe Iwo Jima.This will be named The Big E 1944.

Yes, good idea. I thought about the same possible problem a few times already doing my own campaigns.

Another possibility might be at the beginning of the campaign to have only that scenery active that is required at the time. Then, when the action moves toward another area, we could use a Debriefing event at the end of one mission directing the player to activate and deactivate certain sceneries before flying the next mission.

Just an idea that came to my mind when I read your post... 🙂
Yes Skylane,

It's one of the advantages I discovered when I started to separate the airfields from the underlying scenery when doing the Solomons package for 87 Days.

As a result, in my Test/Development install, I'm often activating/deactivating different scenery layers as I move between the different areas of operation, or areas I'm working on.

.It works when creating stuff in MB best if you launch the Sim first (allowing it to rebuild the scenery cfg etc.), then exit. Then when you next launch MB it should give you the "new" active areas...

I like your idea of a Debriefing Event as a prompt (y)
You seem to forget it's not just the scenery being used,it's also the weapons for planes and so forth.The 1944 part also uses some of the Japanese planes from the first part.The Judy and Jill use different bombs which are separate d/l's,I think 3 or 4 in total.Most of the US Aircraft use D-bolt or FDG weapons and the D-bolt ones are quite extensive..This all builds up and can cause problems,so the separate installs.Rather be safe then sorry.

Well all the scenery from November 1943 to June 1944 is installed,so that takes care of it thru the Marianas.Still need to put in the Philippines to finish.

So far 4 months of the campaign is done ending in Feb 1944 with the attack on Truk.

The attacks on Palau are being worked on,the total of new missions is now over 30.Still have a few missions to attack ships in the harbor left to do.There will be other TG's groups involved in these attacks and some have quite a few ships in them.
