Big FPS Option Increase Found In Ankors shader!


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Thought I would share this overlooked tweak in Ankors d3d8.ini On my quest to make stock cfs3s game and campaign to run/save properly I was poking in Ankors shader mod (as I am using it with stock game) and found a line

; -1 - Off; 0 - Default; 1 - VSync On

I had to do a double take to make sure I was reading it right. Yeap vsync was on..
I switched the line to read -1 and saved and noticing big fps increase and smoother player with vsync off, I had disabled it on my graphics card as well and I think this default option he has, has it on as well. Turn it to -1 for faster smoother play. VSyncMode=-1

There are other options in his d3d8.ini that I am trying out as well.

Also turned no multi-sampling (AA) to 1 in the ini as well as graphics card panel and game config for smoother play.
screen tearing happens regardless of this shader mod or not. It happens on the rare side and doesn't bother me one bit. I will not turn on vsync either.
But what about screen tearing when using trackIR or are you running a Gsync/Freesync/122hz monitor.

I've also found that vsynch is useful to control tearing. For my setup, low frame rates and stuttering have been caused by other aspects of tuning the config, shaders. etc. I have slowly built up settings organically and couldn't say offhand without having a closer look, but recently I have done some things (maybe with NVidia Inspector following MajorMagees good guidance?) which I've had to undo because of very low frame rates on a high end card.

Moral of the story? It is possible to stuff up frame rates and get stutters on the best cards available, but the right settings can have CFS3 running sweetly on mid-range cards.
When running a mission or QC press the Z key the data will appear on the upper left section of the screen
Finally getting around to this and after installing Ankor's shaders my d3d8.ini does not have that line in it. It's very short in fact. Question 1: Why? Question 2: If I just add the line "VSyncMode=-1" will that work?