Bill Lyons Classic Cub on floats test flight


I'm sure that at one time there was a cloud of spray over the waterfall, but it seems to have vanished. Can someone please tell me what the filename is, and where it should be?

I flew this last night to check the spray effect. I still have this but cannot pinpoint the particular .fx file at this time.

I would suggest unzipping the original package to a temporary folder rather than using 'auto - install'. That way you can pick out the relevant.fx file from the packaged 'effects' folder.

If this doesn't solve your problem, post again on here and I will find the relevant file by process of elimination.

BTW, I love all of Bill Lyon's stuff, particularly the 'Grumman Goose' and 'Sportsman' packages.

Regards.....Stuart :mixedsmi:
Thanks, I'll try that and see what happens. I don't really want to reinstall the Cub just yet as there's an upgraded version over the top with extra skins. Do you have that, btw? I agree about Bill Lyons. His Tiger Moth (also upgraded) is still my favourite, and when used with Louis Leon's scenery one can hardly ask for more.

No, no good. There are 4 files in the included effect, and all are installed. None looks anything like a fall, either.

Thank you; I'd appreciate that. It's only a small thing in the whole world of FS9, but it's a nice little flight and I'd like it back how it should be.

:wavey: David
Check for fx_Ngafalls_sml.fx in your main Effects folder. That is the falls effect the scenery uses.

the original scenery package calls for the falls via Bearcan5.bgl

BTW, it's a default effect and can be recovered from the MSGAME1.CAB located on Disk 1.

Sounds like Brent has solved your problem-I wondered why deleting the .fx files included in the package had no effect on the waterfall spray!

Thanks dogknot

Thanks for the help, but still no go. I have both fx_Ngafalls_sml.fx and fx_Ngafalls_lrg.fx in my effects folder. I think we are on the right track though, as either my navigation is worse than I thought or Niagara Falls are also pretty dry. Is there a texture bmp which might have gone adrift, if the fx are there?
The textures used by fx_Ngafalls_sml.fx are:
fx_1.bmp and fx_5.bmp

The Bear Canyon scenery by Lyons has 7 bgl's for the scenery (Bearcan5.bgl calls the falls):
Bearcan1.bgl, Bearcan2.bgl, Bearcan3.bgl, Bearcan4.bgl, Bearcan5.bgl, Bearcan6.bgl, and SailLesson.bgl

Another consideration is any add-on terrain mesh in the area. It could feasibly "bury" the effect in the ground mesh.
Also, the Lyons scenery was designed for stock fs scenery, so in addition to a conflict with add-on mesh, if you are running an altered TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL (default is 19), located in the fs9.cfg, then the effect could also be obscured.

I have the freeware FSGenesis mesh and run an altered TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=20 which nearly blocks out the falls effect. At TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=19, it is much more prominent.

Hope that helps.
I wondered about the terrain too, and shut down FS Terrain. Now I have done a second install. Both have Niagara, the new one has Bear Canyon, complete with jetty which had also gone missing, but the old one, even after reinstalling Cub4free, still has no waterfall or jetty. Weird!
