Bill Lyons Classic Goose package


Charter Member
Hi Folks,

I need to pick a brain or two please.

I like many others am a big fan of Bill Lyon's stuff, particularly the flight packages that he nearly always included.

There is a flight to Eel Island in the Goose package [ I got mine from Flightsim ] which involves landing on a lake and then taking off and flying under a rope bridge.

I can only see the bridge in 'slew' mode - when I return to normal flight mode there are some native islanders apparently walking on thin air !

I have never come across this problem before, I've tried downloading it again and re-installing, but same result.

Anybody any ideas please ?

All I know about this problem is:

1. It does exist - I've seen pictures of it
2. It can happen with old or even very new scenery
3. It happens only on certain computers - but no one has figured out what in a given computer triggers it
4. It may go away with a new video driver or new video card - but may not

Luckily it doesn't happen on mine...

Hope this helps,
Stuart I know sometimes I have, out of eagerness I suppose, went to manually copy and transfer downloaded files straight out of the zip file into FS9 and then crank up FS9 to see the plane and textures would be missing from the plane. Then I would have to go back and unzip the zip file just to get the textures and place them in the plane's folder.

Just wondering if maybe you may have done that transfer the same way. At any rate if you still have Bill Lyons package maybe you could find it and copy the tectures out of it for that scenery and paste them into the addon folder so you can see those textures while at that bridge? That's what I would try to do. Hope that helps you.
Thanks Guys,

It just seems weird that I can see the bridge in slew but not in flight.

I used the auto-install as I've not had a problem with Bill Lyon's auto-installs.

I am going to try and set up a seperate add-on folder for the various scenery and texture files and see what happens.

I'll report back in case anybody has the same issue.

I think Tom is on the right path to the why....even if there is no known 100% cure.
If all elements are there when in slew mode but it doesn't work in normal mode it is doubtful that you are actually missing any bits and pieces such as texture or model.
They would simply never be there then.

When you enter slew mode the sim turns off some elements that it normally has running. That frees the graphic card up to show things it otherwise might not be able to.

Have you tried the same flight at a very slow simulation rate ??? That might help if it is just too much stuff happening too quickly.
Then there are a few options in the display selection that you can play with. Number of lights, MIPMAP and so on.

Hi Stefan,

What you have said makes total sense, as you say, the bridge surely wouldn't show at all if the texture file was misplaced.

I will have a play with my settings and see what happens. I've noticed that some other textures are not loading as quickly as normal so this may be linked to that.


You were correct, moving display settings to the left made the rope bridge show up.

I normally have everything pretty much maxed out,and have never come across this problem before.

I think I'll just revert to my usual settings and imagine the rope bridge is a very thin one !
