Bill Lyon's Travelair


My turn to lament the recent crash:banghead:... I re-installed Bill outstanding Travelair package recently:applause:, and can't remember:isadizzy: what to do to correct the size that some of the models appear as both in the aircraft viewer and the sim. The model in question is the one that tows the banner, and I distinctly remember someone (possibly Roger?) posting a fix that would allow this model to appear as large as the others... Anybody know what I should do? Any suggestions would be appreciated very much.
I use AFCAD to change the size of aircraft in the preview screen. Its under the Aircraft Editor.

Hope this helps
alter the value 'aircraft radius' in afcad aircraft editor,its' in metres;
a smaller value will mean a/c appear larger in preview, and the viewpoint 'camera'
view starting position will be closer.


Well you learn something new each day :jump:

I never knew that you could do this in AFCAD.

I tried it on one of my helicopters and it's great as it moved the view distance out to give a better viewpoint.

But it appears it doesn't work for every aircraft as there's a couple where the AFCAD 'Aircraft Radius' distance appears as 'n/a'.

I found away around this though ......

Press ( Alt ) to show the top bar and select -'View' ; click - 'view options' ; select - 'Spot Plane' and change the 'view distance' to suit.

....Is AFCAD a program that comes within FS9? Or is it an add-on that allows one to create new airport structures/'parked' AI within various airports?
If it is an add-on,...where does one pick it up?

FS-ACOF - Misc.
FS2004 AFCAD 2.21
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ][/SIZE]Name: Size: 729,616 Date: 01-05-2004 Downloads: 76678
FS2004 AFCAD 2.21. A CAD-style editor for airport visible scenery and invisible facility data. This includes runways, taxiways, aprons, parking, communications and navaids. By Lee Swordy.[/SIZE]

FS-ACOF - Misc.
FS2004 AFCAD 2.21
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ][/SIZE]Name: Size: 729,616 Date: 01-05-2004 Downloads: 76678
FS2004 AFCAD 2.21. A CAD-style editor for airport visible scenery and invisible facility data. This includes runways, taxiways, aprons, parking, communications and navaids. By Lee Swordy.[/SIZE]

Much thanks modelr. Now to figure out how to use this thing! Looks like a 'trial and error' type app.