

Charter Member
Another fun one for the low and slow crowd. Great STOL aircraft.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 General Aviation FS2004 I.C.P. Bingo HKS Engine UltraLight
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Name: Size: 5,967,217 Date: 10-28-2009
FS2004 I.C.P. Bingo HKS Engine UltraLight (file version 1). The ICP Bingo, a lightened down Savannah, is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. Its STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Bingo is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate its great stability. This FS aircraft model represents two differently painted examples, one as used by a fictitious Italian civil user and the other by a real Spanish user. Full package includes aircraft, textures and panel by Massimo Taccoli, FD files modified from original by Dennis Seeley, gauges by Dennis Seeley and Massimo Taccoli, sounds modified from original by Mike Hambly.[/SIZE]
Yep, this is a fun little airplane. Look forward to your refinements.

I remember the CH801 from FS2002 that Brian Gladden did. It was a fun STOL bird as well. Something like a 250' rollout and takeoff.

Just noticed a CH701 over at flightsim. It's been out for over a year. I'll have to give it a go as well. by Bill Holker
AW MAN! I just get settled into another little project and there you go throwing more gas on the grill. Just kidding. I go in spurts as my work schedule allows and I just came off eight days of 12s so I'm ready for some R&R fiddling.
Ok here are the changes to the CFG. I tried to make it fly as it does in the videos as well as being as close to specs as I could make it. It can now do the 1 minute pattern. It looks and is very light so it does dance a bit in the air but is still quite controllable. Clean stall about 30, dirty about 24, cruise about 70. I'll take any comments. I'm also doing the Savannah and Gipsland Air Van too.
Just make a back up then copy and paste over the appropriate sections.

cruise_lift_scalar = 0.90
parasite_drag_scalar = 0.85
induced_drag_scalar = 1.0
elevator_effectiveness = 1.2
aileron_effectiveness = 1.05
rudder_effectiveness = 0.6
pitch_stability = 0.4
roll_stability = 0.6
yaw_stability = 0.6
elevator_trim_effectiveness= 1.0
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1.0
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1.0
hi_alpha_on_roll = 1.0
hi_alpha_on_yaw = 1.0
p_factor_on_yaw = 1.0
torque_on_roll = 0.3
gyro_precession_on_roll = 0.3
gyro_precession_on_yaw = 0.3

reference_datum_position= 0.527, 0.0, 1.65 //FS Datum wrt Mdl Datum
empty_weight_CG_position= 0.270, 0.0, -1.74 //At C of Lift and on Thrust Line
CG_forward_limit= 0.5
CG_aft_limit = -0.5
empty_weight = 562.2 //Ref 1
max_gross_weight= 992.1 //Ref 1
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 270.9 //MOIs calc as per Goodrick
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 350.5
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 440.6
empty_weight_coupled_MOI= 0.0
max_number_of_stations= 2
station_load.0= 170.0, -1.0, -0.6, -2.5, L Seat //Ref 3
station_load.1= 170.0, -1.0, 0.6, -2.5, R Seat //Ref 3
station_load.2= 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, -2.5, Luggage //Max 44 lb Ref 1

static_pitch = -1.0
static_cg_height= 4.1
gear_system_type= 4 //Fixed
tailwheel_lock = 0
max_number_of_points= 7
point.0= 1, 3.42, 0.00, -5.70, 1575, 0, 0.6, 33.0, 0.24, 2.51, 0.95, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
point.1= 1, -1.00, -2.95, -5.85, 1575, 1, 0.6, 0.0, 0.39, 1.27, 0.60, 0.0, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 0.0
point.2= 1, -1.00, 2.95, -5.85, 1575, 2, 0.6, 0.0, 0.39 1.27, 0.60, 0.0, 0.0, 3, 0.0, 0.0
point.3= 2, 0.30, -15.10, 0.400, 1575, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0
point.4= 2, 0.30, 15.10, 0.400, 1575, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0
point.5= 2, -14.50, 0.00, -0.580, 1575, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0
point.6= 2, 5.52, 0.00, -1.750, 1575, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0

type = 1
system_type = 3
lift_scalar = 0.5
drag_scalar = 0.6
pitch_scalar = 0.9
span-outboard = 1.0
extending-time= 2.0
damaging-speed= 54.7
blowout-speed = 62.6
flaps-position.0= 0.0 //Ref 1
flaps-position.1= 20.0, 52.0 //Ref 1
flaps-position.2= 40.0, 52.0 //Ref 1

power_scalar = 1.1
max_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar = 1.0
idle_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar= 1.0
max_rpm_friction_scalar = 1.0
idle_rpm_friction_scalar = 1.0
fuel_metering_type = 1 //Ref 2
cooling_type = 0 //Ref 2
turbocharged = 0
emergency_boost_type = 0
fuel_air_auto_mixture = 0
auto_ignition = 0
number_of_cylinders = 2 //Ref 2
cylinder_displacement = 20.75 //Ref 2
compression_ratio = 11.30 //Ref 2
max_rated_rpm = 6200.00 //Ref 2
max_rated_hp = 60.00 //Ref 2
normalized_starter_torque = 0.35
max_design_mp = 0.00
min_design_mp = 3.00
critical_altitude = 0.00
emergency_boost_mp_offset = 0.00
emergency_boost_gain_offset = 0.00
emergency_boost_duration = 0.00
BestPowerSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.50
detonation_onset = 32.91

thrust_scalar = 1.4
rotation = 1
propeller_type = 1
prop_sync_available = 0
prop_deice_available = 0
prop_feathering_available = 0
prop_auto_feathering_available = 0
defeathering_accumulators_available= 0
prop_reverse_available = 0
propeller_blades = 3
propeller_diameter = 5.67 //Ref 4
propeller_moi = 3.65
beta_max = 0.00
beta_min = 0.00
fixed_pitch_beta = 23.00
beta_feather = 0.00
minimum_on_ground_beta = 0.00
minimum_reverse_beta = 0.00
min_gov_rpm = 0.00
prop_tc = 0.10
gear_reduction_ratio = 2.58 //Ref 2
low_speed_theory_limit = 80.00
min_rpm_for_feather = 0.00
power_absorbed_cf = 0.00