Birds of Prey on the shelves!



I went down to the local Game Stop to check out the "Beatles Rock Band" and saw "Birds of Prey" on the shelf right below it. For those intrested "Birds of Prey" is supported by both X-box and PS3 and sells for about $50 U.S.
When does a Spitfire Mark I have 2 20mm guns and 4 .303 machine guns. Plus the colours of the Spit are all wrong. The camouflage colours should be dark green, dark earth, and sky. Too bad Oleg Maddox did not have any input into this console game. Definitely not a game for PC simmers.
Although the game is not historically accurate pertaining to flight models, I downloaded the demo for my PS3 and I would have to say that 1946 is more fun to play. So I will just have to wait for Battle of Britain Storm of War to appear some time in the distant future.
When does a Spitfire Mark I have 2 20mm guns and 4 .303 machine guns. Plus the colours of the Spit are all wrong. The camouflage colours should be dark green, dark earth, and sky. Too bad Oleg Maddox did not have any input into this console game. Definitely not a game for PC simmers.

I do believeThe Spit Mk 1Bs that had the 2 cannon and 4 303s armament.