Black Clouds in Prepar3d V3.3


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Hi all
I accidently (and stupidly) used the Realism Shaders Pack (for Prepar3d V3.2) in version 3.3. The result was reasonable but I'm stuck with very black and unrealistic clouds whenever I am in close proximity. I have read other posts and attempted to reinstall the original shaders through the RSP program. I have also attempted a repair of the P3D Client and Content. All of these seemed to work but the black clouds remain. I do have the original shaders backed up but I'm wondering if there is any other effective repair.
Thanks in advance
Warren (aspen31)
The P3D repair feature works differently than the FSX one.
The P3D repair will not replace any modified files. It will only replace the missing ones, if I understood correctly. So if you want it to replace the original cloud shader, you might have to delete it first.
But since you have saved the original one, the simplest solution is to put it back into its original location by hand.
And of course, don't forget to delete the shader cache after you did that.
Hi again all
I believe I have finally solved the black clouds issue in Prepar3d v3.3 by deleting the "shaders" cache then uninstalling a reinstalling the Prepar3d client portion. I had previously attempted a repair of the same portion as well as prompting the "realism shaders" program to reinstall the original shaders but had no success.
Thanks to everyone for their input.