"Black Friday" Sale at Razbam

I grabbed the Skyraider Vol. 2 package. I wouldn't pay full price for it but I just couldn't pass on it for $12.50. Does anyone know if there are any paints for it here at SOH?
The more I'm flying the Skyraider, the more I'm REALLY liking it. Just wish the VC was clickable.
Very loud cockpit! Wonder if the real one was like that?
I grabbed the Skyraider Vol. 2 package. I wouldn't pay full price for it but I just couldn't pass on it for $12.50. Does anyone know if there are any paints for it here at SOH?

IIRC I did a couple of paints for it, South Vietnamese and Cambodian paint schemes, they are in the old archive under SteveB, There is also an update for the Cambodian scheme.

Thanks for the HU!

The Skyraider has been on my list for a while, and for the price of 9 EUR, I couldn't resist.
Bought it - flew it - love it!

The sounds appeared a little 'weak' in my ears, so I took one engine out of the Des Braban's sounds for the Calclassic's L1049G Super Constellation (R3350 Cyclone) - there he blows!

Don't miss the Pilot's Report on the "Spad" here:

So Markus, how exactly do you "take one engine" out of a sound set? I have a set I would love to do that for and would not mind doing that for the spad myself.
I already have all the FS9 Razbam kites bar the Alize and can highly recommend them to anyone at the reduced prices. I have had good use from them in FS9, CFS2 and Strike fighters, great value packs even before they were reduced. (I'm hoping they're still bundled like they used to be, one purchase bought you all three version (in some cases (even if you don't have CFS2, the models are multi-LOD and would make fine AI in FS9 (I always planned to try it(never found the time)))))

Please excuse the over use of parenthesis, (lol).

IIRC I did a couple of paints for it, South Vietnamese and Cambodian paint schemes, they are in the old archive under SteveB, There is also an update for the Cambodian scheme.


Thank you much, off to check them out.
So Markus, how exactly do you "take one engine" out of a sound set?

Well, that's easy mate. Just a small correction in the sound.cfg file:


You might as well delete all other references of engine #2 to 4, e.g.


but these parameters will get ignored anyway, since just one engine is defined.

To keep the size of the sound folder small, all *.wav files assigned to engines #2 to 4 can get erased too, but they won't hurt - as long as you have enough disk space for non-used files...
