Sounds like the broadcast was plagued with technical issues.
I want to be excited about Blackbird, but frankly, it's just too difficult to get excited at this point. They have been hyping KBAB nonstop ever since it's release-- which at this point was ~6 months ago. It is clear that their focus is on commercial sims for the that is where their attention and resources go-- and I do understand's a business.
As for the "announcements", I'm underwhelmed. The SR- has been in work for years, ditto the F-86, C-130 and UH-1H. They have mentioned over and over for the past few years that the only T-38 they are going to release will be the T-38A-- which is the one I wanted anyway...and poof, here we are suddenly talking about the C again. I guess I would like to see them quit announcing 5 or 6 new projects, of which one (or less) eventually sees the light of day (and usually several years after the announcement). I love the guys on the team and their work...but Colin pretty much dances to the ever-changing beat of his own drum, IMHO.
Keeping my fingers crossed for progress, and I'll watch the webcast when it is available on You Tube....but I'm being a realist at the same time.