Blackburn Roc by Dave Molyneaux

huub vink

Staff member
After his Blackburn Skua, Dave Molyneaux now releases the turret version of this aircraft. The Blackburn Roc is available at

The images came with Dave's original package:



Outstanding model! Thanks Dave!

Alas, it wasn't an outstanding airplane. It's great as an FS model, but I wouldn't have wanted to fly one in real life in a real war!

This will be a good plane to fly from "HMS Inscrutable," the un-named British carrier at Scapa Flow that came with Robert Sanderson's Sea Hurricane.

I noticed that despite the prohibition in the ReadMe about not uploading to other sites without permission, someone not named Dave Molyneaux has uploaded it to Simviation by the middle of the night on the day it was released. Seems like a pretty short time to request and receive permission. Just wonderin'...
All of mine have appeared elsewhere.....never had any request....but it does seem to get a wider audience if their download count is correct!
All of mine have appeared elsewhere.....never had any request....but it does seem to get a wider audience if their download count is correct!

The same for some of my skins and some of the projects David and I have done. I used to get upset about it.

It finally dawned on me that piracy of freeware is only annoying, not harmful, and no potential income is endangered. So now I don't even put anything in my ReadMe files about redistribution or copyrights. But I know some people still get upset about it, though I don't know who is and who isn't anymore.

As for wider distribution, I just want to share what I do with the folks who share their work with me, and pretty much all of them can see it here, so I don't put up my skins anywhere else anymore. The projects David and I do also go to FlightSim, but my solo stuff only goes here.