Blackhawk Island - Coming Soon.


Charter Member
Hi Good People

The Ford Project Team has decided to have a bit of a wild digression from the Historical stuff for a little while and build a fun/fictional scenery pack.

No doubt many of the slightly more senior simmers may be aware of the Comic Book Blackhawk Hero's.


Lot of science fiction mixed in with some science fact and tons of super hero stuff by the Blackhawk Squadron Team.

We have tried to capture that comic era with a comprehensive scenery package including lots of AI aircraft and some flyable aircraft as well.

The below image is just a hint of some of the aircraft we have gathered and repainted up to be Blackhawk aircraft.


As for scenery we have gone a little overboard - now have done 7 different bases which are situated on various islands in Hawaii:

(1) BLHK - airfield inside a big mountain
(2) BLHI - the island airfield
(3) BLHE - Emergency Airfield on another island
(4) BLHR - airfield and Rocket base - near BLHE
(5) BLHS - Sea Airfield - for flights to and from a water field
(6) BLHW - Water Airfield - full of AI float plane traffic
(7) BLHJ - Jet Base on yet another island

And we have greatly enhanced an existing historical base XBEL (Bellows Air Field) - to accommodate a large batch of Boeing B29 bombers.

The project has been in development for a couple of months now and is getting close to completion. It you want to check out the slideshow of the overall project so far then below is a link to the slideshow:
(an InAlbum slideshow - safe to run)

This project is specifically for FS2004 - sorry FSX'ers - this scenery does not play well in FSX - the environments around Hawaii are very different in each simulator.

Hopefully we will have it all bedded down and ready for release by mid to late February........but don't hold me to that, as lots of fine tuning and frame rate battle yet to be resolved.


Your Ford Tri-Motor Project Team.

I've had the Grumman XF5F with the Blackhawk skin since way back then, and now I'll have the perfect place to fly it.

Those skins for so many additional planes will be a bonus.

Now if only some modeler will be inspired to give us an XF-90, the plane the Blackhawks flew during the nifty fifties, when I was a kid who faithfully read their comics...

Oh my yes!

I remember those F-90 jets. Blackhawk was my favorite comic back then. I can't wait!

Hi Good People,

Glad some of you are looking forward to this project release - unfortunately the aircraft model builders for simming seem to have avoided building the F90 - and building aircraft models is absolutely black magic to me - but I thing we have added enough alternative aircraft - and plenty of visual's with the scenery to make this project a great piece of fun for all.

Anyway - still lots to tidy up and fine tune - but getting there - not bad for a two man project :wiggle:

Regards and happy simming.
Absolutely awesome, Garry! I am really looking forward to this release. Somewhere to go flying when the simulated "real world" starts to get me down. Thanks to you and to the entire team! :encouragement::encouragement:

As one of the ancients, I remember the p40 with the shark's mouth, and them screaming "Hawkaaa" as they attacked.
It's a dim memory out of the '40s.

This'll be a neat place to fly in and out of.