"Blocky" Clouds


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The blocky cloud problem in CFS3 has been rectified by Ankor which is great but can the default cloud blockiness be rectified in CFS3 without Ankors Shaders and where is the file that corrects the clouds?
Square clouds

Maybe i mean the clouds show up square when flying thru them,it`s corrected with shaders but not the default eto rev 5 installation which i like to use because of better performance on my rig,i do have a Ankor shaders installation thats how i know it`s been corrected,hope this explains.
See attachment.


  • Square clouds.jpg
    Square clouds.jpg
    50.9 KB · Views: 8
Ahhhh... Unfortunately, that is a limitation of how Microsoft originally programmed their game, and AnKor's shaders go around their code to fix the problem.

Other than disabling it in ConfigOverrides.xml there is nothing that can be adjusted by the user to make it look better.

<DisableInCloudEffect val="y"/>
Rodger Major

Thanks Major will try that,if only i could get the stutters out of my Ankors version that would be great but if too many aircraft appear the sim goes beserk and i waste ammo each time i take a shot as the frame jumps especially at low altitudes,anyway thanks for your input.
Just out of interest I looked at a package produced ages ago called MAX (Max_Devil) Clouds update. In the readme he states "I managed to get rid of the pesky blocked cloud". This stuff is fairly old (2004?) but an improvement on stock cloud textures.
Max devil clouds

Thanks for the tip,i googled the name but came up empty,is there any other info on this?
I don't see anything in there that would modify the In-Cloud Fog effect from having the left and right edges clipped by the graphics viewport. The cloud dds files he provided have edited alpha and texture channels, and perhaps he was just referring to giving them a better more diaphanous look.
I meant to add that I have all of MAX_Devils scenery enhancements, and if they are needed I could upload them to SOH. Might however be hard to get permissions after so many years.

Sometimes there are a few worthwhile things buried in the old scenery enhancement packages.

Oh I've just found the scenery stuff over at com central http://com-central.net/index.php?name=Downloads&c=75

Here is an old thread with the odd gem in it http://www.com-central.net/index.php?file=viewtopic&name=forums&newlang=german&t=118/xmlrpc.php

Hope you find this useful Alcanallen

Thanks mate iv`e installed the first one and flown a couple of missions ,so far no blocky clouds,now i`ll have a look at your other sites.
No more blocky dlouds.

Morning all,after testing many missions with clouds it appears the "Max clouds update does the job,also when active in Ankors_Shaders my FPS went from 10 FPS to 60 FPS in one very cloudy,misty mission so as i said it appears to do the trick,if not liked you can easily remove the updates.
Gidday alcanallen,

thanks for the feedback its very useful. Now I will go away and have a closer loook at the textures, see if they will help me :encouragement: