Blood Biscay III mission Screenies


Home for tea and tiffin!
RonnyBengt and I are creating third installment to the Sea Eagles war on Allied Shipping. this time we're branching out into the North Sea too.

There are to 8 missions all told. Check out these screenies of a few of the missions. They are still are WIP, so as with the Corvette mission (from night to day), there may be changes with the eventual published pack.

Good job, gentlemen!
I wonder how this monstruous FW 200 managed to avoid the Flak. These missions take place in the same season? I ask that because the pilot seems very at ease in his yellow dinghy :wiggle::ernae:
Good job, gentlemen!
I wonder how this monstruous FW 200 managed to avoid the Flak. These missions take place in the same season? I ask that because the pilot seems very at ease in his yellow dinghy :wiggle::ernae:
The Condor didn't avoid the flak and several hit the drink in test runs. The Condor wasn't good at absorbing damage and the model relects this. Eventually they had to give up the accurate, but dangerous low level attacks as convoys became more heavily defended. In the missions though they suffered more from AI gunners fire from CC aircraft. As shown one had it's tail blown off by a Whimpeys rear gunner.

Considering that the Luftwaffe had no equivalent of CC's Search and Rescue service he looks very chilled doesn't he!

RB and I have most of the missions done and then they'll be passed onto a team of testers who have volunteered their time (yes you know who you are:monkies:)

There'll be some additonal files to install, mainly modified ship GC MTB's.

My take on the missions is that they are inspired by incidents I've read about. We still lack some important aircraft and ships that were used in this Era so in many cases we can't accurately copy historical incidents.

:kilroy:Beau, well, you and Rinny hurry up and get them to that "Team of Testers Who Have Volunteered Their Time" so that, they can get them properly tested so you can release them to the community. Then, the Team of Testers can have, get on with ETO.:d
Hudson, Anson. Sunderland (not yet any way), Catalina (ditto) Ju 290 (ditto), Beaufort, Walrus, Freeware Liberator and Fortress (B-17 E or F), Do 18 & 24, Bv 138 & 222, He 177, Ar 196... et al

My take on the missions is that they are inspired by incidents I've read about. We still lack some important aircraft and ships that were used in this Era so in many cases we can't accurately copy historical incidents.
ok, thanks for the answer. Building historical missions is always making compromise between historical accuracy, gamplay and what is available.
...however if you throw in the Firepower aircraft you have a Lib GRVI/USN PB4Y and a Fortress II.

But don't forget CFS3 CC & Sea Eagles are in much shape than a year ago thanks mainly to Ted with his Haifaxes and Do-217's. Rb has been busy knocking out good skins for existing types too. I'd also like to thank the Groundhogs for their work on flares, floats etc and other effects that make this arena come alive.

Oh and a big thanks to whoever fixed the Condors FM. The ETO Condor is a much more stable platform than the original.
I've build a mission where the player will fly a Hallifax for a 6 and a half hour patrol in the Bay of Biscay looking for submarines in 1943.

with the use of spawns, it's possible to fly this mission a lot of time and like in reality, chances to see a submarine is quite low. I've seen one in about 10 missions.
Have either of you guys thought about using the fully submerged U-Boat in Maw and ETO in missions. It is fully submerged and all you can see is a periscope wake. It explodes and burns when hit with depth charges. It will also fire torpedos and sink ships. This is not the GC diving U-Boat.

Look under ships label is Sub.

These boys were not sub-hunters, but I plan to use it in the next CC mission pack (and maybe as mentioned iin the Mission Builder thread!).

But thanks for the heads up on it Steve. Really appreciate all the new toys we have to play with.


Edit: Yes I forgot, I think it may be used in one of the missions but don't was to say more to spoil the missions.