Bloom effect addon....


Charter Member
I downloaded and installed the Russian dude's bloom effect for FS9.. but FS9 wont' even start now... what did I do wrong... I copied the enbseries.ini and the d3d9.dll into the main FS9 folder.. like I should.. but what is up?
u need to be more clear. what do you mean FS9 doesnt start?

- clicking on it does nothing?
- there's an error message? (if so, what is it)
- it starts but crashes?


I am quite sure it is an outdated directx version which prevents from running
had the same issue downloading the newest directx fixed it for me

-FengZ :: I double click my FS9 shortcut, then it immediatly sais "fs9.exe has stopped responding"

-Daube :: I have the latest Nvidia drivers availible, and I am using Vista so I have also updated DX 10, but DX 9c is also installed for older games (latest version).

-Tom :: Read above lol...

If it helps.. I have heard that it doesn't like games running at 1920 x 1080.. which I have FS set to.. I tried it in Call of Duty 4 (at 1600 x 900) and it worked fine. could this be it?
Have you tried using the "Event Viewer" ? I've found that most times I can get a better idea of what the problem is by using it .