Blue Max at last !


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Wow, at last I managed to survive enough flights and scored enough victories, to be awarded the "Pour le Merite" - what a feeling! The veterans amongst you may now grin or yawn, but I am excited. The last sortie should have been reconaissance, but half way there, the three of us got badly surprised by 4 Nieuport 17 Lewis (at least one of them an ace, as I could read, when his crash was assigned). I could shoot 3 of them down (one was downed by my wingman), before 4 more Nupe 17's joined in. I damaged one seriously, before ammo was out. But the wingmen I got, are very good; they downed the other 3, advised by my orders.
Then it got nasty; 2 SPAD's arrived. All my orders to attack didn't result in action, my wingmen must have been out of ammo too (no wonder after this!). So I said "Split" and headed for home. But one SPAD followed. It was a deadly dangerous zigzagging at cat-stroke-level, and I lured him into tight curving over Bertincourt airfield. His fault not to leave it - ground crew shot him down. Landing, I rolled through the smoke of his wreckage with a nasty grin. What a fight!

The dossier lists 35 confirmed kills now. All flights were made at highest reality settings (except for the mixture); "radar screen" is always set to "2 miles/ships", so one must really bee on the lookout all the time. OFF dev's - I-LOVE-THIS-GAME! (...and I'm prepared to get my nose a-bleed in P3, I know!)
Cheers; Olham
Nize verke von Mahlo! Stachel vill be quite pleezed to hear about ziss.

But really, great job. Still havent gotten one of my own of these days.


How exciting is that? Very I'ld say. I have a ways to go to earn mine yet. I am happy for you, very deserved. I've had some exiting flights but never met up with that many enemies so far. Once on a lone flight there were maybe a dozen EA below me but I kept my advantage and only dealt with the few that came up to me and drove them back down. I got away and met up with two DR1 aces later and shot them down. It was a very rewarding experience for me. I was piloting an SE5 and managed to land safely as well. Again, good work! :friday:
[Obstlt. Stachel enters his Jasta office, holding a piece of paper, neatly dressed in his tunic and flying boots, looking happy, however with much restraint. Sitting opposite his desk is Oldham, waiting patiently with a rather smug look on his face, knowing what this converation will be about. He stands and salutes...]

<S!> Pleaze be zeated... Herr Oldham. I have the reportz here, and I have to zay mit der great honor, I am very pleazed zat vee have annuzer bonified German ace amoungzt our rankz. Der Kaizer Whilhem iz extremely pleazed and will perzonnally be attendink your Blue Max avard zeremony.

HOWEVER.... beink badly zuprized by zuch junk as der Ni17... mit der LEWIS no lezz...???

Vell... vee vill omit zat from der report, jah? No zenze in givink der newzpaper boyz any bad ideaz... ok?

Here are der keyz to mine car, pleaze feel free to take it for der weekend and head into town for zum fun, ok?

I am proud of you, and zo is der Vaterland. :)

Good job! I hope to zee more victories from you young Fliegler.

Wow, at last I managed to survive enough flights and scored enough victories, to be awarded the "Pour le Merite" - what a feeling! The veterans amongst you may now grin or yawn, but I am excited. The last sortie should have been reconaissance, but half way there, the three of us got badly surprised by 4 Nieuport 17 Lewis (at least one of them an ace, as I could read, when his crash was assigned). I could shoot 3 of them down (one was downed by my wingman), before 4 more Nupe 17's joined in. I damaged one seriously, before ammo was out. But the wingmen I got, are very good; they downed the other 3, advised by my orders.
Then it got nasty; 2 SPAD's arrived. All my orders to attack didn't result in action, my wingmen must have been out of ammo too (no wonder after this!). So I said "Split" and headed for home. But one SPAD followed. It was a deadly dangerous zigzagging at cat-stroke-level, and I lured him into tight curving over Bertincourt airfield. His fault not to leave it - ground crew shot him down. Landing, I rolled through the smoke of his wreckage with a nasty grin. What a fight!

The dossier lists 35 confirmed kills now. All flights were made at highest reality settings (except for the mixture); "radar screen" is always set to "2 miles/ships", so one must really bee on the lookout all the time. OFF dev's - I-LOVE-THIS-GAME! (...and I'm prepared to get my nose a-bleed in P3, I know!)
Cheers; Olham

Zehr Gut Mein Herr! Prost!
POLOVSKI wrote: Congrats Oldham here's to the next one :friday:
Question: can you receive more than one?

Hey, Baywing, keep going.

To down 2 Fokker Dreidecker Aces with an S.E. 5, that is impressive! I have just tried that plane, and managed to "enlighten" two Albatros (didn't know, they burn so easily - must have been very lucky all the time in mine). But the most Allied planes are under-armed somehow; only one gun, or less than 1000 rounds. The only one, I'll fly an Allied carrer with, is the Camel.
For the "Blue Max", a lot depends on good wingmen, and a big quantum of luck. To achieve one with an S.E.5, would be a bit harder, I think, but keep going - I wish you the best luck.
Cheers; Olham

PS: tzank you, Herr Oberstleutnant, I feel deeply honoured, and vill do my verry best in future, forze Kaizer and ze fazzerland!

PPS: RICKITIYCRATE, the "density" of enemies can be chosen in "workshop". I think it's called "Campaign activity" or something; there's "light", "normal", "high" and "historical" (which I can't click choose)
Historical: Is greyed out, in everybody's workshop ( Thank god)

Don't believe it's enemy encounters, rather the amount of mission flown during a given time period:
Light= you might skip a week due to extremely Nasty flying weather

Medium = You'll fly in ANY weather, if you can see your hand, you fly

Heavy = Twice a Day, rain or shine

Historical = Your guess, is as good as mine :kilroy:
Well done - its great to read threads like this - makes it seem worthwhile.

Well done - its great to read threads like this - makes it seem worthwhile.


Thank You, Winder
It doesn't only SEEM worthwile -it IS ! I've tried many sims, but P2 beats all! And P3 is still to be experienced - really looking forward to!
Cheers; Olham
Meinen Glückwunsch!

Good skills, flying with the excellent German aircraft of course.

Had only one of those in my flying sorties, flying a DR1, Flight Model > "Medium", Flak > Easy. > Gun strength > Normal, Spread > Tight, Mixture > Manual, Flight Time > 44 hours +.

German_eh for British_eh
Congratulations, Herr Olham. Prost! I've yet to achieve my Pour le Merite, but I've received two Iron Crosses in only six missions.

Question regarding medals:
I can see the delay between claim and confirmation, which I'm ok with (seems a bit long, sometimes, but I like the overall idea that it wasn't immediate). But 35 kills??? Which brings me to my question. Are medal awards, particularly the Blue Max, historically accurate? That is to say, Boelcke and Immlemann received theirs for their fourth kills, IIRC. It was later raised to eight and then sixteen (MvR shot down his eighth the same day it went to sixteen, according to one book I read...timing is everything :banghead:). I believe by the end of the war it was even higher (one recipient didn't receive his until after his 30th, although I think he was nominated after his 22nd, I'll have to look it up again).

In my current German campaign I've got 11 confirmed kills, two of which are quick combat flights and shouldn't necessarily count, and it's early September 1916 when the requirement was still eight. Should I expect a visit from the Kaiser soon, or is there some other standard requirement in the game? And if so, what is it?

Which brings up another point. Will there be a way to separate quick combat kills from campaign in P3 or is this something so hardwired into CFS3 that the OFF team couldn't excise it? And what about deleting certain missions from one's dossier in order to negate them?

I guess I could always create another pilot and restrict all future quick flights to him. That would also remove the risk of blowing a promising career for the sake of some instant gratification. Probably what I'll do.
Don't know, how long it is to process the kills confirmation. I got 4 Iron Crosses first, before I got the "Blue Max". At one occasion, I got 7 kill confirmations, as the log says (short before the award).
The "Quick Mission" can be separated from listing, in the Workshop. There, it says somewhere "log all flights" or "log campaign only" (or similar, you'll find it).
But to be on the safe side, I would recommend the creation of another pilot for "Quickies".
Danke, Olham. You're right and the default is not to log the quick flights. I remembered after I posted that that I had manually changed it before starting my campaign in earnest so I could keep a tally of how I'd done. But I've already started a quickie-only pilot (Lt. Otto von Action ;) ), so I'll just go that route and fly in shameful knowledge of my 'unearned' kills as Bruno Stachel did in The Blue Max (the movie, at least, I haven't read the book).

And thanx for the info about your experiences with kills, confirmations and medals. I'll just keep flying until the Luftstrietkraffte High Command recognizes me as an aerial genius. Or until the RFC proves I'm not. :costumes:
That's the right attitude - why worry about "when will I receive the "Blue Max", when in the same time, you could have made another flight?
Perhaps you get an Iron Cross for every 5 kills, and then for the 25th, the "Blue Max" - or even after 20. Can't say, cause I can't remember, how many confirmed ones I had scored, when I got it.
But carry on, with awake senses and awareness, care for your wingmen and bring them back, and don't put yourself or them to risk eagerly - and you'll get it, I'm sure!
Cheers; Olham