Boat bow wake


Charter Member
In some of the missions you notice that the wave at the front of the bow is somewhat of , it is very much in front of the bow.
How can one make the adjustment in order to put the bow wave in its proper place?
How can you see if its OK whitout having to modify an existing mission ?
Open xdp file an go to the <Effects> section at the end, this is an effect problem.

Then exemple with the "GC_Flower_Class_Corvette":
-> replace "fx_wake_B_and_G_destroyers" by "fx_wake_LCT".
Thank you for the imput. How do you know wich fx_wake to associate with each ship ? For example there is a fx_wake_corvette, in fact I have counted 25+ different wake effects. Some are pretty obvious others not so.
For instance there is a fx_wake_a_cruiser_test and a fx_wake_a_fletcher_test, are these still good ?
X and Y coordinates

Hi gosd, there is in addition to Led Zep's option, an alternative in the ship xdp's effects section.

That is to include x and y coordinates to simply shift the existing bow wave back under the bow of the ship. I'm not at my cfs computer so cannot be more specific at this point.

However IIRC there are already some examples in your ship xdps as to how to go about adding the X and Y coordinates. Also Fouteman's ships have this done - I think I did it for the corvettes for example.

You could simply copy over the effects line if you wanted to modify the bow wave for another corvette.

Thank you for the imput. How do you know wich fx_wake to associate with each ship ? For example there is a fx_wake_corvette, in fact I have counted 25+ different wake effects. Some are pretty obvious others not so.
For instance there is a fx_wake_a_cruiser_test and a fx_wake_a_fletcher_test, are these still good ?

I don't know... I have tested some of them by searching in effects.xml fil and also other ships xdp files and kept the one I found the best for me.