BoB 109E?


Charter Member
We're now approaching the height of Battle of Britain season and I was having a look through my aircraft and couldn't come up with any proper yellow or white nosed Bf 109E's (for the MAW model) for my BoB festivities. There's a couple yellow nosers in MAW, but none for BoB? John (or anyone else for that matter) do you have any spare BoB 109s lying around your hard drive? My Spitfire is lonesome...:wavey:
Daniel, there's a "yellow nosed b%$£&rd" in the BoB install - BoB_Bf109E-04 This is the old Aeroplane heaven model. It could do with using the 'pit from one of the MAW models.
Really? I never knew this. I thought they started sometime around July/August. I'll have a look for that ETO one, didn't realize it was there.
I was meaning the new model that shipped with MAW and there's one or two in Clive's BoB install. The yellow nosed one in BoB and the one you linked to are for the older Aeroplane Heaven model. It was good in its time but nothing like the newer model.
Pobably got one on my HD somewhere? If not I'll sort one out for you, as soon as I get chance!:mixedsmi:
Wow! Thanks John! I'll be looking forward to it. I can hardly imagine what gems you've got tucked away.
I was meaning the new model that shipped with MAW and there's one or two in Clive's BoB install. The yellow nosed one in BoB and the one you linked to are for the older Aeroplane Heaven model. It was good in its time but nothing like the newer model.
In ETO, the aircraft folder is ETO_Bf109E-4 and it is the new model and the skin was made by Bravo/4.
Found it, thanks! I must admit I haven't had ETO installed for a while as I prefer my own custom ETO and just adapt add-ons to it. I'll have to go through and see if I missed anything else.
Thanks Loic, I knew I had done one, pretty sure I did one or two more?:icon_lol:

Yea I really need to see what's been released or not Daniel, but I keep getting new stuff to paint, I'm right up to my eyeballs at the moment!:icon_lol: