29th Squadron had 9 Blenheim NFs with A.I.Mk III radar. There is some confusion on the dates etc., of Braham's first score but I am basing this on 'No Place for Chivalry' by Alastair Goodrum On the night in question, at about 01:20 hrs Digby Control vectored Brham and Sgt. Wilsden towards the Humber and Hull.. where at 8000 ft.he saw the target He111. Both Braham and Wilsden fired good bursts into the Heinkel which they last saw smoking and loosing height. A He111 crashed into the Humber and was pobably the one they hit.
Sadly in this mission the A.I.Radar.EXE while on and apparently working, did not vector me into the target. I will have to check if the Humber area is covered by Steve. I am still tinkering with this mission.
Braham took off from Wellingore close to Digby.
Wellingore runway
In the Blenheim's pilot seat at take off
and away!
Radar scope is on!
Combat over Hull and the Humber area! On the night in question, at about 01:20 hrs Digby Control vectored Brham and Sgt. Wilsden towards the Humber and Hull.. where at 8000 ft.he saw the target He111. Both Braham and Wilsden fired good bursts into the Heinkel which they last saw smoking and loosing height. A He111 crashed into the Humber and was pobably the one they hit.
Sadly in this mission the A.I.Radar.EXE while on and apparently working, did not vector me into the target. I will have to check if the Humber area is covered by Steve. I am still tinkering with this mission.
Braham took off from Wellingore close to Digby.
Wellingore runway

In the Blenheim's pilot seat at take off

and away!

Radar scope is on!

Combat over Hull and the Humber area!