BoB camp. for ETO by mrjmaint: spawn problems


Charter Member

I have some spawn problems in the BoB axis campaign for ETO by mrjmaint.

My last Campaign mission was an escort mission over the Channel. The bomber turned before the target waypoint. I flew to the target and no ships showed on the TAC.
This has happened several times before in this type of missions. :blind:

Below is the content of _mission.xml were it says Spawns="ship.spawns and Country="Britain_FAA".

When I fly missions to attack ships without bombers the ships always spawn OK. But not on escort missions...

Where does the CFS3 pick up that it should be Country="Britain_FAA" in the first place and how does the country affect the spawns?
There are not any Britain_FAA ships in ship.BoBax!

Any suggestions how to solve this problem much appreciated! :isadizzy:

<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="Bf109E II./JG 77" Airbase="morx109" Date="7/26/1940" Time="08:57" Weather="_cmpweather.xml" Theater="CFS3Europe">
<GlobalLayer UseCurrent="y"/>
<Title>Campaign Mission</Title>
<Overview>Your mission for today is to escort friendly aircraft to and from their target.
Your targets are enemy fighters that threaten our friendly aircraft.
The goal of an escort mission is to protect a specific formation of friendly aircraft from enemy fighters so the friendlies can successfully attack a designated target and return safely to base.
New jet- and rocket-propelled aircraft are entering Luftwaffe service. Remember that superior performance on your part can earn you the privilege of flying one of these new wonder-weapons in defense of the Reich.
For flight path information, consult your Waypoint briefing.</Overview>
<Facility ID="20000" Type="mission_target_facility" Spawns="ship.spawns" IsOneShot="y" Lat="N49*7'17.9533"" Lon="W4*55'6.5256"" Heading="0" Country="Britain_FAA"/>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="anti_ship" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="0" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1000" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2"/>
<Unit ID="1001" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-1"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-2"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-3"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-4"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-5"/>
<Unit ID="1006" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-6"/>
<Unit ID="1007" Type="w40_ju88a-1_9kel" Name="KG 2-7"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*36'11.7440"" Lon="W3*47'11.7773"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="91" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N49*7'17.9533"" Lon="W4*55'6.5256"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="69" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*36'11.7440"" Lon="W3*47'11.7773"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="0" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1008" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron" IsPlayer="y"/>
<Unit ID="1009" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-1"/>
<Unit ID="1010" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-2"/>
<Unit ID="1011" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-3"/>
<Unit ID="1012" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-4"/>
<Unit ID="1013" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-5"/>
<Unit ID="1014" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-6"/>
<Unit ID="1015" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-7"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="80" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*36'11.7440"" Lon="W3*47'11.7773"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="91" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*36'48.3015"" Lon="W3*48'31.5983"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="91" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N49*7'17.9533"" Lon="W4*55'6.5256"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="101" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*36'11.7440"" Lon="W3*47'11.7773"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="69" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*36'11.7440"" Lon="W3*47'11.7773"" Alt="4570.00"/>



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SpawnControl Stop="n" Priority="1000">
<Spawns Roll="2D5">
<Spawn ID="1" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.Bat-Cruz"/>
<Spawn ID="2" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.Bat-Cruz"/>
<Spawn ID="3" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.battlegroupsmall"/>
<Spawn ID="4" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.Patrol"/>
<Spawn ID="5" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.convoy1"/>
<Spawn ID="6" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.Corvettes"/>
<Spawn ID="7" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.convoy2"/>
<Spawn ID="8" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.patrolescort"/>
<Spawn ID="9" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.destroyers2"/>
<Spawn ID="10" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.MG.CarrierGroup"/>
<Spawn ID="11" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.Bat-Cruz"/>
<Spawn ID="12" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.Bat-Cruz"/>
<Spawn ID="13" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.battlegroupsmall"/>
<Spawn ID="14" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.Patrol"/>
<Spawn ID="15" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.convoy1"/>
<Spawn ID="16" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.Corvettes"/>
<Spawn ID="17" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.convoy2"/>
<Spawn ID="18" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.patrolescort"/>
<Spawn ID="19" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.destroyers2"/>
<Spawn ID="20" FormationType="(MJ).ship.Brit.CarrierGroup"/>
<Modifier MissionType="escort" Modifier="10"/>



I've tried to solve the spawn problem: I copied all (MJ).ship.Brit.*.xml to (MJ).ship.FAA.*.xml and put them in the ship.BoBax spawn file and then started a new campaign escort mission continuing the campaign where I got the escort ship spawn mission. I flew the mission and the bombers turned about 4NM before we reached the target way point. I continued and now the ships spawned, but they spawned further away than the target way point. I ended the mission and checked the newly created _mission.xml and it said Spawns="ship.spawns" and Country="Britain_FAA".

I've started a new campaign escort mission continuing the campaign where I got the escort ship spawn mission several times with the new ship spawn file with the same result: Bombers turning back too early and ship spawns OK. :blind:

Any ideas why the bombers turn back too early and what to do about it? :isadizzy:


Another problem yesterday:
I flew a Ju 87 escort mission to the coast of Britain. The Ju 87’s were circling around the target area without leaving. When I was low on fuel I returned to base and had a failed mission. Total mission time 2 hours and I tried twice with the same result.

I had a similar problem with The Attack in the West campaign when I escorted Ju 87's.

The Ju 87 _mission.xml looked a bit strange if I compare with the Ju 88 mission above. There isn't any <Facilities> section, but I have never looked in any other _mission.xml so it's perhaps OK anyway for this type of mission?

Since I had the same problem in a Ju 87 mission in Attack in the west, perhaps there are something wrong with some Ju 87 file?

Any idea why the Ju 87's doesn't return to base and what to do? :isadizzy:

Merry Christmas to you all! :santahat:

<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="Bf109E II./JG 77" Airbase="stmoFR035" Date="7/30/1940" Time="09:31" Weather="_cmpweather.xml"/>
<Title>Campaign Mission</Title>
<Overview>Your assignment is to escort friendly aircraft to and from their target.
Your targets are enemy fighters that threaten our friendly aircraft.
The goal of an escort mission is to protect a specific formation of friendly aircraft from enemy fighters so the friendlies can successfully attack a designated target and return safely to base.
Do not waste any item of equipment or supplies. Your aircraft, tires, ammunition and ordnance, drop tanks, and fuel, all are precious resources. Use them intelligently.
For flight path information, consult your Waypoint briefing.</Overview>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="strike" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="0" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1000" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12"/>
<Unit ID="1001" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-1"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-2"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-3"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-4"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-5"/>
<Unit ID="1006" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-6"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="99" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N50*38'50.4420"" Lon="W1*15'56.8610"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="64" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="0" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1007" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron" IsPlayer="y"/>
<Unit ID="1008" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-1"/>
<Unit ID="1009" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-2"/>
<Unit ID="1010" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-3"/>
<Unit ID="1011" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-4"/>
<Unit ID="1012" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-5"/>
<Unit ID="1013" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-6"/>
<Unit ID="1014" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-7"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="80" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="99" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*36'1.3591"" Lon="W2*2'39.1864"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="99" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N50*38'50.4420"" Lon="W1*15'56.8610"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="101" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="64" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="4570.00"/>
Hi von Oben, what is the first loadout is called in the xdp file for the dr_ju87b_1stg3? this is the payload=0 loadout. The first loadout needs to have missiontype=strike to be consistent with the campaign mission. The loadout should preferrably have large bombs in it.

Maybe this will help?


I've tried to solve the spawn problem: I copied all (MJ).ship.Brit.*.xml to (MJ).ship.FAA.*.xml and put them in the ship.BoBax spawn file and then started a new campaign escort mission continuing the campaign where I got the escort ship spawn mission. I flew the mission and the bombers turned about 4NM before we reached the target way point. I continued and now the ships spawned, but they spawned further away than the target way point. I ended the mission and checked the newly created _mission.xml and it said Spawns="ship.spawns" and Country="Britain_FAA".

I've started a new campaign escort mission continuing the campaign where I got the escort ship spawn mission several times with the new ship spawn file with the same result: Bombers turning back too early and ship spawns OK. :blind:

Any ideas why the bombers turn back too early and what to do about it? :isadizzy:


You may have to change the way point for the bombers in the misson using the mission builder is all..
Extend it to be over ther spawn point..
And set as anti-ship / attack..
Thank you very much David!

That seems as a very good idea!

So when the game engine doesn't find any loadout with the appropriate mission type the mission doesn't work properly?
Is it important that MissionType="Strike" is for the first loadout because when I checked b_25c.xdp there is a MissionType="Strike" but it's not the first loadout.
I checked all ETO JU87B xpd's and they were the same...

It's perhaps the same problem with the w40_Ju88A-1_9KEL.xdp in the anti_ship mission because there are no anti-ship loadout for the JU88 (the b_25c.xdp have a MissionType="Anti_Ship" loadout but that's a torpedo)?

What do you suggest I do?

From the DR_ju87b_1STG3.xdp:

<Loadout Name="Clean"></Loadout>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sd_500_stabo" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb 4 50kg Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb+(2)50KG Bombs+(2)Parachute Flares">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>

From the w40_Ju88A-1_9KEL.xdp:

<Loadouts InternalPylons="1">
<Loadout Name="Clean" MissionType="Escort,CAP,Intercept,Sweep,Nothing,Bomber_Intercept"/>
<Loadout Name="(4)250kg+(10)50kg Bombs" MissionType="Strike">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_0" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50_Internal" Quantity="1023"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_2" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Loadout Name="(6)250kg Bombs" MissionType="Search_Destroy">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_0" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250_Internal" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_2" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Loadout Name="(8)250kg Bombs" MissionType="Search_Destroy">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_0" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250_Internal" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_2" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_ju88a1_0" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_ju88a1_1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(16)70kg Bombs" MissionType="CAS">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_0" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__70_Internal" Quantity="65535"/>
<Loadout Name="(4)500kg Bombs" MissionType="Search_Destroy">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_JU88A4_2" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="3"/>

I checked b_25c.xdp to compare and there is a MissionType="Strike":

<Loadouts InternalPylons="1">
<Loadout Name="(6)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Search_Destroy">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="63"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)1000lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_1000lb" Quantity="3"/>
<Loadout Name="(8)250lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_250lb" Quantity="255"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)1000lb+(2)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Strike">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_1000lb" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_B25_3" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_B25_4" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(8)Rockets+(8)250lb Bombs" MissionType="CAS">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_B25_1" PayloadType="b_rocket" Quantity="15"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_B25_2" PayloadType="b_rocket" Quantity="15"/>
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_250lb" Quantity="255"/>
<Loadout Name="(8)Rockets+(2)500lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_B25_1" PayloadType="b_rocket" Quantity="15"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_B25_2" PayloadType="b_rocket" Quantity="15"/>
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="3"/>
<Loadout Name="(1)MkXV Torpedo" MissionType="Anti_Ship">
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="B_Torpedo" Quantity="1" />
<Loadout Name="(2)PFF Smoke Bombs+(2)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Strike">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_B25_3" PayloadType="PFF_smoke_bomb" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_B25_4" PayloadType="PFF_smoke_bomb" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="Clean" MissionType="Nothing"/>

Happy New year!
You may have to change the way point for the bombers in the misson using the mission builder is all..
Extend it to be over ther spawn point..
And set as anti-ship / attack..

Thanks Owen!

Please note that my problem is about campaign missions!

I asume that your suggestion is for single missions?

Happy New Year!
Thank you very much David!

That seems as a very good idea!

So when the game engine doesn't find any loadout with the appropriate mission type the mission doesn't work properly?
Is it important that MissionType="Strike" is for the first loadout because when I checked b_25c.xdp there is a MissionType="Strike" but it's not the first loadout.
I checked all ETO JU87B xpd's and they were the same...

It's perhaps the same problem with the w40_Ju88A-1_9KEL.xdp in the anti_ship mission because there are no anti-ship loadout for the JU88 (the b_25c.xdp have a MissionType="Anti_Ship" loadout but that's a torpedo)?

What do you suggest I do?

From the DR_ju87b_1STG3.xdp:

<Loadout Name="Clean"></Loadout>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sd_500_stabo" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb 4 50kg Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb+(2)50KG Bombs+(2)Parachute Flares">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>

Happy New year!

Hi von Oben,

Happy new year to you and all! I have already had a few celebratory libations, so please take my inebriated state into account. :icon29:

However, as you can see from the loadouts in the ju87 xdp, the problem is that in your canpaign mission, for some reason loadout =0. I suspect that is the default, because there is no Missiontype=strike.

I suggest that you modify the xdp file, to add to the second or third loadout (numberinf goes payload 0,1,2, the missiontype="strike".

At the moment, your ju87s are flying all the way over the English Channel, finding their target, then not having any bombs to drop, because their payload=0!! this is the first loadout in the xdp, which as you have reportied, is "Clean"!!

Happy New Year and I hope you can find a good Pinot Noir :icon29:

Thanks David! :salute:

I added MissionType="Strike" to the loadout for all ETO JU87B xpd's and then I flew a new mission in the campaign to test!
The Ju 87 now had one 500kg bomb 4 50kg bombs and a selected one of the bombers as target to follow over the target in target view. The Ju 87's flew back and forth over the target for 15-20 minutes and the one I had targeted didn't drop any bombs.
I tried to Warp and when I went through all Ju 87's some had dropped all bombs, some had dropped only some bombs and some hadn't dropped any bombs at all.

Any suggestions how to get the Ju 87's to drop their bombs and return to base?

How about the JU88 missing a MissionType="Anti_Ship" in the loadout?
Could that explain the problem I described earlier in this thread? :blind:

Edited DR_ju87b_1STG3.xdp:

<Loadout Name="Clean"></Loadout>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sd_500_stabo" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb 4 50kg Bombs" MissionType="Strike">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Loadout Name="(1)500kg Bomb+(2)50KG Bombs+(2)Parachute Flares">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc_500" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="AvHistory_gr_bomb_sc__50" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_right" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_gc_etc50_left" PayloadType="paraflare" Quantity="1"></Hardpoint>

Latest _mission.xml:
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="Bf109E II./JG 77" Airbase="stmoFR035" Date="7/30/1940" Time="09:31" Weather="_cmpweather.xml"/>
<Title>Campaign Mission</Title>
<Overview>Your mission is to escort friendly aircraft to and from their target.
Your targets are enemy fighters that threaten our friendly aircraft.
The goal of an escort mission is to protect a specific formation of friendly aircraft from enemy fighters so the friendlies can successfully attack a designated target and return safely to base.
If you observe parachutes from downed enemy pilots or bomber crews, it is crucial to note and report the location. Enemy pilots who escape to fly again are a continuing threat to the Reich.
For flight path information, consult your Waypoint briefing.</Overview>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="strike" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="2" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1000" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12"/>
<Unit ID="1001" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-1"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-2"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-3"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-4"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-5"/>
<Unit ID="1006" Type="dr_ju87b_1stg3" Name="KG 12-6"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="99" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N50*38'50.4420"" Lon="W1*15'56.8610"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="64" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="4570.00"/>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" Points="2" Skill="1" Payload="0" FormType="1">
<Unit ID="1007" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron" IsPlayer="y"/>
<Unit ID="1008" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-1"/>
<Unit ID="1009" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-2"/>
<Unit ID="1010" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-3"/>
<Unit ID="1011" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-4"/>
<Unit ID="1012" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-5"/>
<Unit ID="1013" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-6"/>
<Unit ID="1014" Type="eto_bf109e-77" Name="My Squadron-7"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="80" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="99" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*36'1.3591"" Lon="W2*2'39.1864"" Alt="500.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="99" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N50*38'50.4420"" Lon="W1*15'56.8610"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="101" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="5070.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="64" IsWarpable="y" IsVisible="y" Lat="N48*34'58.5829"" Lon="W2*3'3.0590"" Alt="4570.00"/>
