BoB Campaign for ETO 1.40: Need help please!


Charter Member

I've recently installed and started a German Campaign in the BoB Campaign for ETO by mrjmaint.

Unfortunately I've had some problems in the beginning of the campaign:

1. First mission was a escort mission where the bombers were going to bomb some ships, but the bombers turned and headed home before we reached
the ships.

2. Second mission was also a escort mission, but I changed to the next mission type that was a mission to destroy some ships and I changed to another target location on the map. When I started the mission the blue line on the TAC didn't switch to the next waypoint even if I flew back and forth over the airfield many times. I also tried manually giving the next waypoint command, but nothing happened. I gave up and hedded for the target but when I was about half way the game hangs. The graphics freeze, but I could still hear the engine sound.
I closed the game and started again. This time I didn't change anything but went for the first mission type which was a escort mission and I didn't change the target location. I had the same problem not switching to next target and the game hangs again about half way to the target. I tried a couple of times more, but the problems persisted. :blind:

Any ideas why the bombers returned before reaching the target?

So what might be the reason not switching to next target automatically or manually?
Do I get a "penalty" (no successful mission) if I disregard and fly away anyway?

What might cause that the game hangs? :isadizzy:

This has not happened before when I've been flying the default ETO campaigns.

Thanks for any help to solve these problems.

I'll remove the BoB campaign files and reinstall them again in case I did something wrong the first time. :salute:
Did you select the proper BoB campaign spawn files with the ETO spawn selector?
Your spawn selector should have a selection 9 for the Allied side BoB campaign and a selection 0 for the Axis side BoB campaign.
Did you select the proper BoB campaign spawn files with the ETO spawn selector?
Your spawn selector should have a selection 9 for the Allied side BoB campaign and a selection 0 for the Axis side BoB campaign.


I re-installed the BoB campaign yesterday and started a new campaign.
And yes I selected 0 for BoB Axis in the spawn selector and I did the same in my previous tries.

The first mission in the new campaign:
Airfield: Brest Guipavas
Date: 1940-07-10
Time: 03.50-05.32
Aircraft: BF109E-4 to escort JU88A-1
The target was one of the channel islands, I think it was Guernsey.

When the mission started and we met the Ju88 bombers there were unescorted British bombers in the area.
The flight followed the flight path, but again the bombers turned before reaching the target.
And when the Ju88 bombers were back and about to land unescorted British bombers showed up again.

No game hangs this time!

I'll continue with another mission this evening and report back.

Thanks for your help! :salute:

The second mission in the new campaign:
Airfield: Beumont-le-Roger
Date: 1940-07-14
Time: 04.47-06.11
Aircraft: BF109E-4

The first mission type was another escort mission but I switched to the next which was a destroy ships mission.
When the mission started our airbase was attacked by unescorted Whitley MkV bombers.
After shooting down the bombers we flew to the target area which was the sea north of St. Anne.
The ships (tug boats) showed up and after completing the objectives we returned to base and landed.

So the campaign seems to work OK now. :jump:

I have been playing this campaign intensevly, and I get to a point in the allied section Date="7/23/1940" when I cannot retreve the saved mission, it only occurs in the allied side of the campaign.
Any idea what would be the cause of this glich?