BoB Convoy Patrol

Pat Pattle

Another miserable effort, I don't think Mr Spielberg has anything to worry about just yet!
It has been fun playing around with Fraps and MovieMaker though - shows how much I know, I didn't realise I has this software on my PC!

Hi Clive, do you have the basic version of FRAPS or did you pay to get rid of the logo that sows on the freeware version?

How do you go about importing to Windows Movie maker. i recently discovered I had it on my PC too, but it seems limited in what it will do.

Looking good! Are you using a new for that mirror effect? If so, do you mind if I "borrow" it?
I have an old (full) version of Fraps that I was given, it doesn't have many options. In moviemaker it's just a matter of dragging the fraps output into the MM window. You can then add the titles, effects and soundtrack along the bottom of the window, then save as a Movie.

The mirror is a workaround Daniel. I couldn't get the panoramic thingy to work so that is actually an artificial horizon guage modelled into the cockpit. It's quite useful for indicating which way up you are sometimes!
Ah, clever! I'm trying to figure out how to replace the panoramic, the we one we have now just doesn't do the effect justice. It's more difficult than I thought to make one!