BoB_Hurricanes mirror view


Charter Member
Having a problem with this feature on BoB_Hurricanes; when I cycle through the different pilot views the rear mirror view does not come out wright. Any suggestions on how to correct it ?
Having a problem with this feature on BoB_Hurricanes; when I cycle through the different pilot views the rear mirror view does not come out wright. Any suggestions on how to correct it ?

That usually happens if you move the viewpoint whilst in that mode. ctr+shift+space should reset it Daniel. :)
Looks like a missing cockpit file.

I think your'e right MM. The mirror view is built into the cockpit model and defined in the xdp.
Have you swapped the cockpit for a different version Daniel?
I think your'e right MM. The mirror view is built into the cockpit model and defined in the xdp.
Have you swapped the cockpit for a different version Daniel?

Yes I did:dizzy:! Got the wrigth cockpit0.m3d in and everything works fine now:adoration:.