Boeing TCA Thrustmaster Yoke ? May be not !


Charter Member
Have an issue with the Yoke that's now 5 months old, during normal flight in clear conditions, ( Twin engine Islander @ 3,500 ft ) no wind dialed in to speak of, the airplane will bank abruptly to the left and its everything I have to get it back to level flight. This may happen several times in a row before things settle down. On occasion if I'm trimming for pitch the a/c will also flicker like it wants to lift a wing. I can fly for what seems like hours without an issue and then "bam" out of no where were fighting to keep the plane level in flight #$%&* Anybody ?
Have an issue with the Yoke that's now 5 months old, during normal flight in clear conditions, ( Twin engine Islander @ 3,500 ft ) no wind dialed in to speak of, the airplane will bank abruptly to the left and its everything I have to get it back to level flight. This may happen several times in a row before things settle down. On occasion if I'm trimming for pitch the a/c will also flicker like it wants to lift a wing. I can fly for what seems like hours without an issue and then "bam" out of no where were fighting to keep the plane level in flight #$%&* Anybody ?

Are you on autopilot when this happens? I use both the Thrustmaster Warthog stick and throttles or the Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo combination. I have seen similar behavior. However, usually it is when the AP loses its marbles and tries to go off on its own.
I also have seen this behavior, and I have a TCA Airbus joystick :)
Can't remember if it was with autopilot on or off... maybe off... I thought it was turbulence...
There do seem to be random input failures with this sim.
My Thrustmaster T 16000M throttle yo-yo's on takeoff in some warbirds.
Fine once airborne.
?? [h=1][/h]
May have solved the problem, went to the sensitivity panel and took out the dead zone value I had dialed in for the yoke and things appear to have settled down, value is back to zero.
Well done, now I (and others) have had the Wilga go crazy on landing - it veers off every which way, nothing you can do with any control including sea anchor, to make it go straight and stop.
May have solved the problem, went to the sensitivity panel and took out the dead zone value I had dialed in for the yoke and things appear to have settled down, value is back to zero.
Spoke too soon, the random wing tip flick continues to haunt the Flt Sim. Bumped into someone on Face Book complaining of the same issue. Playing with the sensitivity panel proved inconclusive, odd that this concern has appeared out of the blue ( oops ) after many months of trouble free flying.