BoF/BoB Hurricane MkI's


OK I have moved on to the Hurricane MkI's as represented by JF,FS,3gb,BoB, and ETO versions, to try and update them as much as I can. Why, one might ask? There are a lot of different stand alones representing different squadrons so it would be a pity to waste them; even if I suppose one could make ai's of the lot!

Now the job of changing the Virtual cockpits is not difficult as I have shown with the Bf109E4's elsewhere, but the trouble stars with trying to change some parts of the xdps.

It is easy to add pilot views, although my first attempt to add the BoB <Station Name="mirror_view" Type="pilot_station" View="1" MaxFOV="20"/> was not successful!

What I have been looking at is the gunstations and effects relating to engines and ejected shells, so far without luck.


The ETO versions have 8 IDs; for example <GunStation ID="4"></GunStation> while most of the others only have 2; ID 0 and 1. Can someone explain why.

Shells effects
This then continues with the effect type where ETO's have 8 Shells Types but the others only 0 and 1; e.g.
ETO <Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="emitter_shell_l_2"></Effect>
Other <Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0"/> this is also differnt in other respects; effect name and location.

Engine effects

ETO has 6 emitters; one for each of the 6 exhaust outlets, while the others only 2??

So what exactly is the difference for the ETO version compared with the others? Is it solely related to the model and if so which files?

Also here again it would be nice to update the FMs:wiggle:
What I have been looking at is the gunstations and effects relating to engines and ejected shells, so far without luck.


The ETO versions have 8 IDs; for example <GunStation ID="4"></GunStation> while most of the others only have 2; ID 0 and 1. Can someone explain why.

The number of gunstations in the xdp should relate to the guns defined in the m3d file. Presumably the ETO hurricanes have gungrp0 - gungrp7. Each gungrp has only one barrel (b0)

Where there are only two gunstations, if you check the m3d it will probably have gungrp0 repeated four times with b0 - b3 (each gun group has four barrels). Then gungrp1 repeated four times, one for each barrel.

Sometimes for some ships, the makers of the ship have removed one or two gunstations in the xdp file, even though the m3d has more, just to represent earlier ships, for example some of the GC destroyers.

Shells effects
This then continues with the effect type where ETO's have 8 Shells Types but the others only 0 and 1; e.g.
ETO <Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="emitter_shell_l_2"></Effect>
Other <Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0"/> this is also differnt in other respects; effect name and location.
Looks like the ETO model has an emitter defined for the shells effect. The other hurricane attaches the shells effect to the gungrp defined in the m3d file.

Engine effects

ETO has 6 emitters; one for each of the 6 exhaust outlets, while the others only 2??

So what exactly is the difference for the ETO version compared with the others? Is it solely related to the model and if so which files?

Like the other stuff, emitters are defined in the m3d file. The ETO modeller has defined more emitters. I looked at an m3d file recently and saw the emitters listed through the file; so you should be able to read the m3d files with a hex editor and come across references to all the emitters mentioned above.

Thats about all I can say, as a mere non-modeller!