bomb sight


hey that sight looked awesome....after pressing shift+f1.....then the sight itself disapeared (musthve touched some button)....what button toggles the sight itself on /off...(the ring inside thatu aim with)

cant figure it out....
soory lads
cheers ....but my sight dont have the actual sight... cant figure out how to get it visable....i just have a big black thinger looks like a binocular...but no aiming lines
the ocular is showing....the sight can take a while to be visable but i doesnt appear...might it be me not pressing "fire" button to make it appear???

edit....strangely sometimes itsthere other times not...once its gone it never returns

First of all trim the ac, go to the bombardier position and set sight altitude and speed (you can also see true alt and tas in "no cockpite view" ).
After that enable the autolevel (sight disappear if speed or/and altitude change in short time and probably this is your problem) and go to bombsight view.
Now you should see the sight and you can change the angle without lost it.
Sorry for my bad english.