BomberCommandatWarMayJune1940 should new files be replaced ?


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Hi ,
having PM'd Led Zeppelin, just in case he doesnt see it or visit in the short time I have to try for this, I am asking here as well.
I thought I would have a go at installing his Bomber Command at War may June 1940, I run ETO 1.5 option 1, then exit, dont visit the spawn thing,
copy paste the xml files fro his download to the historical folder in Program Files x86, I think thats right, is it, I am with Win7 64bit. no instruction where to find the folder...

and get a message :-
would you like to replace the existing file 01/06/2014 (newer) with 30/07/2012 21:40

so unsure as if I am to mess up ETO 1.5 thought it best to ask .

if its putting older files in, is that ok to say yes to, as there are also xml for facilities folder etc that might get the same replace new with old message

At least rename the newer file (like put an 'x' or a 'z' in front of the file name)
then you can use the other file if you wish with no worries... :engel016:
There is no particular instruction because as each windows is different, I don't know where are installed the CFS3 folders for each configuration.

Don't overwrite the files, this package has been included in ETO V1.5. In the single mission menu, they will appear as "RAF_Wellington_40_XXX".
Hi Led..

so your Bomber Command at War may June 1940 (as also PM to you) is now in ETO 1.5,

so no need to try and install it as such, everything I would have got from it is there, is this what you are saying ?

I also have two folder, Bombers to Cologne and Bombers to Hamburg.

I am not sure who the author is.

the read me with the Cologne one says this, would you or anyone know if this is also now built into ETO 1.5 or earlier ? :-

These are a series of missions all based off Mathias's Ground Crew mission "gc_nightfighter_missions1_2". They are different aspects from the RAF POV with the player in a Halifax MkIII, Short Stirling, and the FirePower Lancaster. In the Halifax and Lancaster you are the "master of Ceremonies" and after dropping your TIs you should hang around a bit and see what the other bombers do. The Stirling mission just has you as a regular bomber.
The other missions involve you either in the Mossie PFF as a TI marker, A Beaufighter Intruder,A Mossie Intruder,or if you have the Abacus add on, then in a Mossie Mk IX. You can check out the details if you like by using the Mb or opening with notepad or an xml editor.
These are not historical missions to my knowledge but I would load them in the 'Historical' mission folder.
At the moment the effects are sadly lacking. What are still needed are larger area (city blocks size) low poly facilities (with the effects) which will burn for an extended time over a large area. So far those haven't been made; but nor have the incendiary bombs!
You can only use "Bombers_to_Cologne_Mossie_PFF_mossieIX.xml" and Bombers_to_Cologne_mossieIX.xml" if you have the Abacus expansion pack with the Mk.IX (Someone with that seriously needs to skin the MkIX for a PFF Squadron)

You will need to have

From At Requirement

The Ground Crew
ALL FOLDERS/FILES NEEDED FOR THAT MISSION (except the NachtPiloten ones below)

From is4g:
Avro Stirling + the Update File

Ju 88 C6 Nach2 by NachPiloten THIS IS INSTEAD OF THE 1ST VERSION
He_219A0R6_M2 (
Mossie IV PFF

AvHist. 3GB Beaufighter I(NF)


All the facilities /spawns from the GC mission are required. The rest should be standard



MISSIONS: Just open the zip and move the missions to the mission folder and appropriate subfolder. I suggest you put them in "Historical"

You need the 2 xdps as I have changed the bomb loads to include a cookie. Doesn't look so nice in the daytime but works fine at night. Install by dragging them to the appropriate aircraft folder. DON’T FORGET TO BACKUP YOUR PREVIOUS XDP! Also to delete the bdp file.

Have fun and any questions you may ask me on SOH, NetWings, or TOW.


Don't overwrite the files, this package has been included in ETO V1.5. In the single mission menu, they will appear as "RAF_Wellington_40_XXX".[/QUOTE]

Had a look at the ETO era1 mission folder and can not find any "RAF_Wellington_40_XXX" missions
If I run ETO option 1 or option 2 and go missions, in the drop down list I see:-

RAF Wellington 39-12-14
RAF Wellington 40-04-21
RAF Wellington 40-05-15
RAF Wellington 40-05-24
RAF Wellington 40-06-03

RAF Halifax 44-01-04
RAF Halifax 44-06-06
RAF Halifax 44-07-08

gosd, do you not see these in the dropdown list ?

I have so far simply installed CFS3 then ETO following instructions exactly.

Am I now seeing what the BomberCommandatWarMayJune1940 would have given me ?

I dont see a Stirling though, in my post above about the two other files I obtained a year ago or so, it mentions Stirling, so maybe Bombers to Cologne and Bombers to Hamburg isnt now included.
Ted Cook's Stirling is for FS2004, it is also said its ok for FSX, now as I gather both these are not CFS3, how do I go about getting a decent stirling ?

Can I use this Bombers to Cologne and how, without messing up ETO 1.5 ?

Furthermore, I selected Wellington and eventually got her to roll and fly, but not for long. Posting a separate thread on this.
