Bombers do NOT show up in CFS3


Charter Member
I downloaded and installed several bombers but they do not show up. Three B-17Gs, Manchester, Stirling, Halifax_mk3.

How do I fix this?
Have you uploaded all the CFS3 updates? i.e. CFS31_update and CFS31a_update. IIRC they are required for level bombers.
Do other 2 or 4 engine bombers show up?
Don't forget the airbase fix too for the large bombers, otherwise you won't have an airbase for them to take off from.
IIRC it is the last update, 3.1a, which is important for four-engined bombers. The MS updates are avilable here at SOH. Strange that the Manchester also doesn't show up. A long shot is in the air file, the type needs to be consistent with other aircraft which show up. Right up the top of the air file, the type tells the sim whether the aircraft is ai or not. If the type is set for ai aircraft, the aircraft will not show up on the list of aircraft available to fly. The options are 0 or 2, I can't remember which is which so just check the air file of an aircraft which does show up.
CFS3 Bombers Not Showing Up

I think I did CFS3 Update v3.1 and CFS3 Microsoft Update v3.1a, but I may not have done these updates correctly.

I can not use these updates now.

I can not read any of the .air files except the Halifax_Mk3 which is partly readable with Wordpad. I may just not have any four engine bombers in CFS3 (?)
I think I did CFS3 Update v3.1 and CFS3 Microsoft Update v3.1a, but I may not have done these updates correctly.

I can not use these updates now. Explain why?

I can not read any of the .air files except the Halifax_Mk3 which is partly readable with Wordpad. I may just not have any four engine bombers in CFS3 (?)

You need to use the AirEd ap to look at them easily. Google it if you don't have it or try here

If you have the 4 engine aircraft in your CFS3 install then you have them! What CFS3 are you using?
First things first. I'm assuming you're trying to install into standard Combat Flight Simulator 3, not one of the expansions (ETO, MAW, Rising Sun etc)

If you installed the bombers correctly, they will each have a folder in Combat Flight Simulator 3/aircraft. If the bombers have folders anywhere else, they won't show up in the sim. Any weapons, effects, pylons and sounds supplied with each download must also be correctly installed as per the Readme file in each download.

If that's correctly done, you need several other things installed before these models will work. Check the Readme file with each download, but you'll likely need the AvHistory Weapons and Effects installed too. They're in the Library here at SOH.

Bog standard CFS3, even though properly updated to 3.1a, has a strictly limited list of countries available for use. This makes models correctly assigned to, say, the US Navy, not show up in the sim. You need the Nationality Expansion Kit installed before you see USAF, USAAF, USN, Royal Navy, Italy etc as options.

That covers the usual problems. Let us know if you still have bother and don't look for esoteric Windows 10 problems before you've checked and done the above: Win10 is often cited as the problem in many cases and 19 out of 20 it isn't that at all.

AvHistory Effects

AvHistory Weapons Pack

AvHistory Weapons and Effects Textures

Nationality Expansion Kit Redux

Hope this helps!
Bombers Do Not Show Up In CFS3

To Hairyspin and Others: This is a Standard CFS3, Windows 10 install. I had to re-install CFS3 because of a PC "Reset" and I lost all my program files.

I have all the AvHistory items and all parts of NEK. The bombers were carefully installed.

I may not have done the CFS3 Update 3.1 and 3.1a correctly. Now the 3.1 Update is "Aborted - CFS3 not installed or not installed correctly".

The CFS3 Update 3.1a also "Aborts - with a French error message". I'll try looking at the aircraft AIR files.

I may have to use two engine B-25s and B-26s.
If the updates are not installed correctly you will have issues. I suggest re download those updates ans re install.