Bombing Missions in Mission Builder


Charter Member 2012
Ive been trying to create bombing missions using the mission builder. All has gone well so far as I have started off basic. Ive created a small mission of about twenty bombers flying in two waves one in front of the other, the player being in the second wave (always nice to follow someone else in to battle!). The problem Im having is as soon as the first flight reaches the target it dives down and loses height and doesnt attack straight away. After about 3 - 5 miutes they eventually attack the target as single aircraft. Ive got the mission set to "strike" and the bombing altitude is 16000. Is there anyway to stop the first, non player flight from doing this and for it to keep its altitude as well as drop their bombs together? I also tried getting stukas to dive at a steep angle but they refuse to do this. Any help would be much appreciated!
hey...we need more missionbuilders...welcome m8....well m8..thisprob we all have had....ill try you have a taget selected ( waypoint=> attakw bombs)

2...make a mission as escorting it....then...go in and change a/c and to strike mission...this way you are perfect lined up with ai what target are they attacking???? different targets have high or low priority.....bridges have the highest:isadizzy:...if can change this in bridges xdp....( if so dont forget to back up.)
3..then its a trial and error procedure...i do this..its timeconsuming but end result mostly gets out ok ( by my missionbuilding standards)
4.check out ya fav missions mb and emulate them....its allowed...and gives aperfect opportunity to give thanx in readme...:medals:

hope this helps a bit

Cheers muchly, will have a go when I get the chance. Ive had CFS3 for about 6 years now and with the release of ETO have decided its about time I made some missions of my own. I have always had an interest in the Battle of Britain ever since I saw the 1969 film for the first time in the 80's as well as the stories I was told by my grandparent's and the fact I lived very close to Tangmere, Ford, Westhampnett and was born in Shoreham. The airfields created for ETO are perfect to base some missions on and Im hoping to make them as historical as possible with regards to bases and aircraft numbers. Pat advised me to visit my local library for the book "Battle of Britain: Then and Now" but I was unable to get a copy. It seems they would rather invest my council tax money in an Icelandic Bank!!! (Maybe I should donate it to this website instead!) But on a positive note I came across a few other books that descride in detail raids made upon the British Isles during this period. Although possibly unpatriotic Ive decided to concentrate on the Luftwaffe side of the events, more in particular the bombing raids that they undertook. Hopefully when I get the hang of the misson builder I shall upload anything I can recreate within. My thanks again for ETO!