Boms, weaspons enter service dates, and 'Flambos'


So I was looking in the weapons folder for something I might be able to convert into a 'Flambo' - 240 lb/ 110 Kg flame bomb used by the LW. I noted the enterd service date for all I could see was 03/01/1943! Any reason and what would happen if I changed some to 1940?

To the main point, while I have 2kg incendiaries, any suggestions on how to make a 'Flambo' in that I don't see any gr 100-110 Kg bombs which I could alter the xdp effects I suppose.
I don't think the entered service dates do anything on weapons.

For the bomb itself, are you sure of the weight? I only know of FLAM C 250 and FLAM C 500, which would be 250kg and 500kg respectively. I don't think any of our current bomb models would be correct for these bombs.
So 240 lbs does seem an odd number so maybe it should be 250 Kgs. So we can't just convert an SC to FLAM?
You could. The model would not look like a FLAM, and you'd need to use different effects, but yes, that would be the simplest way.
I'm afraid my expertise in this area has faded over the years. Haven't done much of anything with that in the last decade! If I were you, I'd drop lots of different kinds of bombs and see which one had a nice effect and copy that effect reference to the new xdp.
There is a quick way to test the look of different bomb related effects listed in effects.xml.

The trick of using AvH_GR_Me_262a_1a_U4_JV44 and editing the entry for MuzzleFlash="fx_gunblast_Air_50_75mm" in the xdp worked almost as well as having a dedicated effects editor with a preview function. For most effects I could edit the entry, start the game with the aircraft sitting on the runway, and fire the gun to see the effect centered on the tip of the long gun barrel. For Track effects I needed to be flying to properly see what it would look like. Some of the group effects, like exploding aircraft and fuel leaks needed to be seen in motion as well. A few like ship wakes and funnel smoke needed to be moving, but more slowly than flying, so for those I had to taxi around on the ground.

OK I did a quick and dirty version off SJ_German_bomb_ab250kg called TOW_FLAM_C_250 using this xdp

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="TOW_FLAM_C_250Kg" ShortName="FLAM_C_250" ModelName="TOW_FLAM_C_250.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="03/01/1943" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="weapon" Country="germany" Mass="250"/>
<Description String="250kg Bomb"/>
<Weapon Crater="crater_12" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="7381" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="4152" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="98" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="112" ExplodeEffect="fx_gasfire_m" GroundEffect="fx_eto_firebomb_s" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_m" Drag="0.3"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="" Location="emitter_firesmoke" MinVel="125" MaxVel="450"/>

I basically decided from other possible effects listed below and there might be better alternatives


<Weapon ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="500" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="150" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="2000" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="10" ExplodeEffect="fx_eto_firebomb_s" GroundEffect="fx_eto_firebomb_s" WaterEffect="fx_bltwtr_l" Drag="0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="" Location="emitter_firesmoke" MinVel="125" MaxVel="450"/>


<Weapon Crater="crater_25" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="8392" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="3534" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="5100" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="65.6" ExplodeEffect="fx_pink_pansy" GroundEffect="fx_pink_pansy" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_l" Drag="0"/>
<Loadouts />
<GunStations />
<DamageBoxes />
<Systems />
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="bombing_non_flare_snd" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="60" MaxVel="900"/>


<Weapon ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="350" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="301" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="1250" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="25" ExplodeEffect="bomb_30lb_expl" GroundEffect="bomb_30lb_expl" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_s" Drag=".005"/>


<Description String="sodium flare"/>
<Weapon ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="0" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="0" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="1" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="0" ExplodeEffect="__" GroundEffect="__" WaterEffect="fx_sodium_flare_white" Drag="0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="" Location=""/>


<Weapon Crater="crater_12" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="5906" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="1969" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="98" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="258" ExplodeEffect="spezzoni_expl" GroundEffect="spezzoni_expl" WaterEffect="spezzoni_water_splashes" Drag="0.3"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="ab_250_sd_2_108" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="0" MaxVel="900"/>


<Weapon ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="0" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="0" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="1" WeaponType="torpedo" BlastRadius="0" ExplodeEffect="fx_photo_flare" GroundEffect="fx_photoflare" WaterEffect="fx_photoflare" Drag="0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_contrail_s" Location=""/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="" ShortName="250kg Bomb" ModelName="SJ_German_bomb_sc250kg.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="03/01/1943" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="weapon" Country="germany" Mass="250"/>
<Description String="250kg Bomb"/>
<Weapon Crater="crater_12" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="7381" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="4152" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="98" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="112" ExplodeEffect="fx_gasfire_m" GroundEffect="fx_fireball_m" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_m" Drag="0.3"/>

Thwe photos are from a quick triaL mission with eto_he111h_f8+es and a loadout

<Loadout Name="8 x 250 Kg Flambos" MissionType="Strike,CAP">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="5" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="6" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="7" PylonType="dr_he111_pylon_null2" PayloadType="TOW_FLAM_C_250" Quantity="1"/>

The 2nd pic is from som,e distance away and as I have noticed in the past the POV tends to determine the ability to see effects. I also need a target with fire damage effects for better results.

