Bought the Virtavia Sea King, but have questions...

Navy Chief

Senior Member
I have not flown much of anything in XP, let alone any helos. I bought the Virtavia Sea King. Reviews seemed good. The model looks fine, except there is no model showing on the selection menu; only question marks. Is there a way to correct that?

Also, the handling is WAY more difficult than either FSX or P3D. I am wondering if the problem is simply adjustments I need to make to my controls? Thanks in advance. NC
I agree that XP's Helo handling is WAY different than FSX or P3D. I'm not sure if it's realistic or not, having never flown a helo. But, I know from being "backseat" that the pilot's hands and feet are never actually still.
I agree that XP's Helo handling is WAY different than FSX or P3D. I'm not sure if it's realistic or not, having never flown a helo. But, I know from being "backseat" that the pilot's hands and feet are never actually still.

Hi Ed!

Hope all is well? As for the Sea King's handling, I believe part of my problem is control calibration. I'll do more troubleshooting. Have to do so later. Wedding anniversary today.....need to get off of PC! Pete
A question mark in the aircraft selection menu means that no thumbnail for the aircraft (or livery) is present.

And keep in mind that X-Planes helicopter flight model is much more complex than MSFS'. Difficulties with control may be a side effect of that.

Also, the Sea King is a XP10 model that has never seen an update for XP11 and very most likely never will. Hence, compatibility issues may also play a part here. I would not have bought it, at least not at that price.