Boys & Girls: Have a lot of fun tonight and see you next year!!!!

Foute Man

Charter Member
Boys & Girls: Have a lot of fun tonight and see you next year!!!!

Aloha to all

I would like to wish everybody a lot of fun during New Years Eve. 2008 was a good year to be around here, discussing CFS 3, ETO and EURO 2008!!!!

For 2009 plans have been made, the paintshop facility of Foute Man Productions has ordered extra cans of RLM, RAF, Royal Navy and US Navy colors, the 3D workshop has ordered extra stock of metal and bricks and the carthography department extra maps of the Netherlands.

And most important of all: a fine team of talented modders has been gathered to deliver you something really nice. Special thanks to them!!!

You all can look forward to a good CFS 3 ETO Expansion Addon, done in the Dutch way.....

And before I end this post. I'd like to start 2009 with a clean sheet and for that I throw the towel in the ring and apologize to those who felt insulted by the way I was dealing some issues (of minor importance) Hope to hear from those people in person.....
