Brake Chute Gauge


Charter Member
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has heard of a gauge that will model the increased drag of a braking parachute for aircraft that have one included in the model (Eg JustFlight Vulcan has a Brake Chute modelled on wing fold but it doesn't have a brake effect, I want it to actually do something). A quick google search didn't turn anything obvious up but I could have missed something.

Rob Barendregt did create a Drag Chute Server Superflaps gauge. This gauge controls the WingFold or WaterRudder function to simulate drag chute operation by activating an additional "super" flaps stage. You can find this gauge (dsb_switches.CAB) in the freeware IRIS Classics Series F-5 Superpack. Check the aircraft.cfg to learn how the flaps section is done.