Breguet 765


Charter Member 2011
A freeware Gem, the "Sahara" cargo version, at


No VC, but a detailed 2D with various dropdown panels.
There is a "vibrator" switch, without which, you will not get off the ground...


Parachute effect included, you can drop stuff all day


Beautifully made model, definite premonition of the big fat A380.
I never did like the panel that came with it, so I dropped in the VNCon20 panel. The RPM are a little off (working from memory here), but otherwise it's a nice combination.
BTW, those clamshell doors are only for use on the ground. There's a jump door on the aft left that I believe is operated by the tailhook command.
Yes the jump door is functional.
I was just cruising along, dropping my parachutes, when I thought:
"Wow, What a great big box you could drop if you opened up the back!"
So I did, and took the screens.
Now that I've been outed, I can see that there may be a little trim problem, even if they did stay attached...:d
Thanks, I found the passenger version, the 'Deux ponts', on a disc but couldn't track down the Sahara anymore. Did look at but somehow missed it.
Pretty cool find!

That is one wild looking double decker fuselage.

Nice looking model.

Thanks for the heads up Wing-Z.

Is there some clever person out there who could add some landing/taxi lights to this aircraft. I believe the existing lighting is in the model but i am sure someone could update the lighting on this great aircraft?

Regards Paul Day.
Here's the original passenger version, the model 763 'Deux ponts' :

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Propliners FS2004 Air France Breguet 763
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 7,255,885 Date: 12-23-2009 Downloads: 1,033
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Air France Breguet 763 "Deux Ponts" Provence. Flight model and 2D panel by Christian Daboudet. 3D model and textures by Barney Bigard.
What Do You Think?

...Crazy looking plane. Looks like a pregnant fish about to give birth :icon_lol:
I'd agree with that ;)
Now as I was over-rotating the Fat One to drag it off the runway under close to max load, I had a thought:
Rooted as it was in 1940's thinking, I'd bet it started out life as a taildragger!
So, just a little touch-up fun:


Look at the forward wing - CG hovering around mid-chord.
I'd bet further it was only when a freighter was mooted, that it plopped over on its nose to allow rear entry.
The CG issue would explain why those clamshell doors extend so far forward, effectively losing the rear half for cargo.