Britsim - Gone for Good?


I've been checking from time to time to see if Britsim was back online, since someone who knows the site owner said it would be after he got the site unsorted after a hack, after he got settled in after moving house.

Yesterday, instead of the usual blank page, I got a page that seemed to indicate that the Britsim domain has been abandoned. Today I just got an error page, "Server Not Found."

Does anyone know if this means that Britsim is gone for good?

If so, that's sad.
First I have no idea if they will be back.

What server not found means is the domain is still registered and active but the server is no where to be found. This could mean a networking error that prevents traffic from getting to the server or it could mean the server has been shut down (at the very least the web server service is not active).

If the domain had expired the hosting company would have reserved the domain to prevent anyone else from registering it. You would land at a place holder telling you the domain was expired and possibly telling you it is for sale.

The longer they are down the more likely it is they are out for the count.
I tried to go to that site a few days ago, and I got a message from my ISP that the domain for was no longer active. Hopefully they are just doing a re-org and it'll be back soon.... hopefully.

been there, done that, still get.

Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.
It looks as if Britsim is getting back into the world of the living......Rob appears to have got some of it back on-line & downloads appear to be possible.
Pleasantly surprised to see that Britsim is back up! Thanks to whoever continues to contribute to the hobby.

At first all seemed well. But for the past several days (at least) it's been impossible to sign into the site. Entering a valid user name and password produces an error page with the words "Invalid Token."

It would seem considerate to post a bug report in the forum, but in order to do that one must sign in first.

I hope he notices this glitch, or that someone who knows him will tip him off.

I'm sure all will be well again when the all-new, reconstructed site is up and running, but who knows how long that will take.
Not sure what to say here, but I have no problems, although I must admit that the front page does request a sign in, but I can get straight into the forums or files pages without this requirement. Worth trying to bypass the Home page?
Mick, I get that too, but when I reselect Britsim (it's in my Bookmarks) it loads up with me logged in. I do always check the 'Remember Me' box, though. Mind you it gets instant amnesia after I have visited and then shut down!

For the record, I am using Firefox. I don't how other browsers might behave.

Hmmm... Curious.

I also use Firefox.

As long as a log-in isn't really needed, I guess there's no reason for concern.
It might be if you want the new Fulmar that Dave Molyneaux has just released there! I don't know if he plans to put it up on any of the other sites.

I don't have any problems for log in .. with any browser (Firefox - IE 8 or Chrome) and my login credentials were not saved on those browsers ...
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It might be if you want the new Fulmar that Dave Molyneaux has just released there! I don't know if he plans to put it up on any of the other sites.


Dave has also loaded the Fulmar to Flightsim, although I've just downloaded it from Britsim myself. Looks like another winner from Mr Molyneaux and the team, thank you gents.